DYFI DAILY OBS & CAPTURES - AUGUST 2020 to end of season

Congratulations to Ems and all at the ©Dyfi Osprey Project, you have kept a great service going throughout this difficult time.


From this:

To this:

... in no time at all ;)

Compliments of ALISON:

"KC7 (Bob1) is Tywi (pronounced Toe-wee) and KC6 (Bob2) is Teifi (pronounced Tay-vee)"

Brought forward from 01 July, the proud and prolifically provisioning parents:


All pictures and videos:


  • Excellent video , thank you Scylla. Idris was looking for Twyi of course . First indication that Twyi had left
  • Please see previous page , I inadvertently BOP ed it
  • OMG      Twyi is back !!!!!!!!  

  • WOW! WOW! WOW!

    Teifi been yelling fit to burst for ages and ages Chat said Idris not seen this morning An intruder sitting complacantly on Monty's perch, grooming. B 283/18, Esthwaite

    Suddenly there was answering yelling from a distantace, getting closer and Ems reported "Incoming osprey" and who should it be but TYWI! Where has he been?????

    Teifi wouldn't let him land on the nest but he did manage to land on the nest perch Within seconds Idris arrived with fish that Teifi has and is mantling over Hope he leaves some for his brother who, I presume, is starving

  • Many thanks for your reports, Cirrus and Patily, re Blue 283(18) and also Tywi being back from his few days away - he had to wait until Ems had written his Fb post! lol
  • 24 August

    05:00 - a Tawny?  Only for a minute, and most of that time it turned its back on us:

    Having done a scan of the first 6-hour clip, just to cut out the empties and make it more manageable, I'm depressed.

    KC6 turned up well after daycam had settled in, he spent ages on the perch, no-one else seen.

    He had a little look on the nest for something to eat.  I may have chopped his feet off

    Back to the perch then he flew off.

    This is a an unfamiliar view - I wonder who that is?

    Not KC6, he was on the nest again:

    Did some preening and posed on the perch:

    He eventually flew off to the left while still on zoom.  That was up to 10:00.

    We never found out who this was but there was some calling going on:

    What would a red thing be doing out there?  It looks like a discarded cool box but...

    KC6 was back on the nest:

    He flew off left out of sight and a few minutes later an osprey flew in from the "northeast" to the left crossbar of the high perch:

    He may have flown around and approached from the "northeast" but I can't see any left-to-right, and when he got zoomed on he was preening and only the BTO ring could be seen:

    Ah, I can tell it was KC6 because he started screeching his little head off when another osprey flew around overhead and landed on the opposite perch - it was Blue 283 hatched at Esthwaite Water in 2018... (I copied that from a Kielder report of intrusion there, just in case others like me forget everything.)

    I'm goiing to post that and start a new one, just in case, seein' as the system has been playing up.

  • Thank goodness I persisted because he only showed 2 flickers of that ring!

    KC6 continued protesting from the nest:

    And then Open mouthOpen mouthOpen mouth 

    Suddenly there was a threat, couldn't see due to zooming, maybe 283 came back?

    And KC6 pancaked:

    After a blue buffer:

    A different cam and KC6 flew off with fish:

    Only to land beside KC7 on the perch, flapping - trying to get rid of him?  Had he become a stranger?  Yes, KC6 proceeded to buzz his brother and drove him from the perch - they could just be seen flying off one on the tail of the other but it went glitchy.

    The very next frame KC6 had well passed by, it's losing frames at this stage.  Ems will have some dramatic videos for us!

    Another blue buffer found KC7 on the high perch, KC6 nowhere to be seen, hopefully eating fish somewhere.

    That was up to noon approx.  OMG, so many hours to go still...

    After a preen KC7 went to the nest:

    About to fly, direction and destination unknown due to zoom:

    For CLARE :)

    Well you have to call these "crow's feet" whether they are or not ;)

    After about an hour KC6 arrived back on the nest perch but not for long:

    Later, another fish for KC6, he flew with it after a while:

    An arty shot of Idris delivering a flounder to KC7:

    He didn't finish with it until well after nightcam:

    It rained later.

    G'night !!!

  • Teifi on nest clurching fish but not eating Looking allaround
  • Simply lovely captures Scylla .Thank you. Twyi looks so handsome. And yes, there are crows around in this neck of the woods but I don't think that this great covid with its lookalike Osprey talons and the little ''hook'' at the tip of its beak with a tiny feather caught in it is anything but a beautiful Raven, Heavy beak (crows have straight beaks)

    I'm not saying you are naming your capture of this corvid a crow Scylla - I understand the '' crows feet'' . Simply great captures once again.