DYFI DAILY OBS & CAPTURES - AUGUST 2020 to end of season

Congratulations to Ems and all at the ©Dyfi Osprey Project, you have kept a great service going throughout this difficult time.


From this:

To this:

... in no time at all ;)

Compliments of ALISON:

"KC7 (Bob1) is Tywi (pronounced Toe-wee) and KC6 (Bob2) is Teifi (pronounced Tay-vee)"

Brought forward from 01 July, the proud and prolifically provisioning parents:


All pictures and videos:


  • Two at either end of Monty's perch, the one on the L tucking into supper
  • I thought there was some excitement during the night when I saw nest material being disturbed - but it was the wind, it was blowing a hoolie and has continued to do so all day, big time!

    I wondered if this could have been KS8 again:

    One of the juvies flew in and protested, and when it rose up from the nest to give chase the wind took it back out of our picture - it did overcome that and the chase took place:

    Waiting for breakfish:

    A whopper arrived - it changed ownership between the two unwillingly at first, then willingly - some was left on the nest so they both definitely got enough:

    Idris came for the leftover:

    Next delivery:

    And then another big fish arrived!  It was Telyn - she waited for a taker, who didn't turn up, so she flew off into the distance with it:

    Over the 6 hours up to something past 4, just this one event, a fish delivery that I know you can't see but what a lovely Osprey shape Heart eyes

    Looks like it was a mullet - eventually it got flown up to the left cross-bar:

    I'm breaking the rule but here's an Unlisted video (so no-one can see it except us) of a bird (or 2 birds?) in the bottom left of our picture - was it a pheasant or ???  Can't estimate the size Disappointed

    Idris had just made his final delivery of the day and is now on the high perch, the juvie takes the fish to the other arm of the perch, ate there for a while and then flew away out of the left side:

    A Robin pottered at the back of the nest for a few seconds:

    Idris did some pre-bedtime nestorising and flew off to our right:

    That was the last anyone was seen.

  • Wonderful 'snaps' - just so lovely Scylla. And yes, a lady pheasant in the video or a juvenile

  • Unknown said:
    yes, a lady pheasant


    10 August

    No-one on-cam all night.  A tour when camperson came on duty towards 09:00.

    (Artificially brightened snaps.)

    Black cows:

    Brown 'n white cows:

    I've asked for ID assistance from Chat and they agree Teifi=KC6.

    I think KC6 flew in and preened on the nest perch and later Idris arrived with a fish:

    They both looked around, Idris only seemed to take the occasional bite of the fish, and eventually Teifi flew, Idris waited about half an hour and flew away to our left:

    No more activity seen up to 10:45 ish.

  • Just woke up and checked in at the nest cam to see the last chat comment, "...(Beats chest Grin )" and I had my first chortle of the day.
    It was scyllabub, of course, and I was so grateful. Lovely shape of Idris bringing a fish this morning...have to snitch it. Here's a portrait I recently did of Monty from his photo portrait.

    scylla said:
    I think KC6 flew in

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • A wonderful drawing CC, well done.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  •  Is it my imagination or does Tywi look slightly damp after Idris' fish delivery?

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Great drawing CC Nice to "see" you Don't seem to have sen mush of you this season.......on have I just missed your posts?
    Tywi certainly looks dishevelled Currently the rain is bucketing down
  • Unknown said:

    Here's a portrait I recently did of Monty from his photo portrait.


    How beautiful!  One good snitch deserves another Blush  

    It's in Monty's 2019 folder - I didn't do one for 2020 Disappointed relieved

    I have to pack up now, I hope to contribute more to the Dyfi day later - I hear that the weather's been... difficult!  Just routine on the Dyfi :-/

  • Oh !  now that  IS Monty - right  down to the eye flecks. Excellent CC So well done and thank you a million