Link to  july-2020

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All captures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

Blogs and videos to the season so far:

Mrs G returned 21st March, 10:36 > mrs-g-returns

Aran returned 3rd April, 12:08 > aran-returns

First egg laid 13th April, 12:08 > mrs-g-lays-first-egg-of-2020

Second egg laid 16th April, 18:17 > mrs-g-lays-second-egg-of-2020

Third egg laid 19th April, 19:01 > mrs-g-lays-3rd-egg-2020

First hatch 20th May, 10:52 > first-2020-chick-hatches

Second hatch 21st May, 17:59 > second-glaslyn-chick-of-2020-hatches

Third hatch 24th May, 12:52 > third-chick-hatches-on-glaslyn-nest

Chicks ringed 24th June > glaslyn-chicks-are-ringed

KC2 fledged 9th July, 14:48 aged 50 days > kc2-has-fledged

KC3 fledged 14th July, 9:36 aged 54 days > kc3-fledges

KC4 fledged 19th July, 18:44 aged 56 days > kc4-fledges


The three juveniles are thriving under Mrs G and Aran's continued care, proving once again what formidable parents they are. Long may the season continue to be be hassle-free as it nears the time for migration

  • KC3 was on the perch for 2 minutes from 06:59 - looking extremely alert and suspicious ;)

  • Aran flew in to the perch with fish and KC3 flashed over on his curvy way to the nest:

    Something must have been afoot (besides the fish) because Aran kept KC3 waiting and was watchful:

    Relatively small whole flounder:

    KC4 arrived @ 07:25 - this is the most we could see of her face:

    KC3 flew with remains of fish @ 07:32, KC4 is still on the end of the perch.

  •  Waiting and waiting, still there now.  I do love 'em when they're hunched.

  •  KC4 waiting:

    KC4's reward - I couldn't get a snap until after Aran had flown:

    MrsG on perch:

    MrsG and KC3 on perch, KC4 on nest with fish:

    That's how it is now.

  • Mrs G currently onperch, eating with KC3 shouting on the nest even though she has been fed this morning.......infact they all have
  • MrsG has been eating a very skinny fish (ie, with lots of skin dangling) on the perch, there's a juvie on the nest, and I'll fill in the details later cos I'm off, SYAL :)
  • Mrs G and Aran side by side.

    Copyright DOP.

  • Mike B said:
    MC. this was at 4 25pm.

    Thank you, Mike.  Glaslyn is the only nest I'm screen-capturing on with my timeline, so it would be a doddle to find - except I'm going thru the whole day now, so I'll come across it.  MrsG was there with one juvie or the other when I unveiled them this evening, I wonder how long the vigil was unbroken?

    The day continued...

    MrsG was eating KC4's "skinny" fish and KC3 was not pleased:

    The corvid ate a tiny piece and put the rest back under the sticks, where s/he'd found it:

    KC3 had been on the perch in the rain since 12:04, this snap is immensely brightened etc:

    He flew @ 13:17 but the cam stayed on the perch (contrary to popular opinion, Heather is not tied to it) until several minutes later when it found KC3 on the nest with a FLAPPING FLOUNDER Smile

    KC4 arrived and didn't have to wait long to get her own FLOUNDER, well started, from Aran:

    They couldn't relax for a while:

    You would think that KC3 got buzzed twice when he was tipped over, but frame-by-frame has revealed no intruder - it must have been gusts of wind that we'd have heard if we had sound ;)  KC4 was immune except to the wing:

    KC3 got a displaced feather out of it:

    KC3 flew @ 14:48, leaving a large leftover on the nest; here he was nodding off on the perch, untreated snap:

    Who's there?  (No answer.)

    MrsG came in and collected the leftover Flounder - she didn't hang about!  In less than a minute Aran flew in with another - he waited over 4 minutes, no takers, so he flew off with it.  A video done, just in case it's our last (fleeting) sighting of MrsG:

    MrsG joined Aran on the perch for a while, he flew off, maybe they saw an intruder?

    All fuzzed out, despite enhancements:

    Drag 'n drop stopped working, will have to start another post.

  • KC4 may have brought this back with her, or Aran may have given it to her - we didn't see the juvies' arrival:

    We never saw what attracted their attention down below:

    KC3 found the string the corvid had toyed with... dropped it over the side:

    After some frustrated prancing and flapping, KC3 joined MrsG on the perch.  She was pretty dozy:


    She roused herself for a scratch:

    She appeared to poop in her son's face Persevere but don't worry...

    It went right thru and out the other end Grin

    KC3 appeared to have a skew-whiff tongue but it righted itself:

    Huge delay here caused by software problem on a different laptop and I may have totally lost my way...

    There's heavy rain on nightcam now.