• The gooseberry Mute Swan is apparently called Solo - apparently (I gleaned from Heather on Chat) a dead swan was found a few years ago, it might have been its partner but that's not certain by any means.  Anyway, Solo was sailing down the river when I checked in @ 07:42 this morning.

    Other than that - just the Whoopers - this is meant to show you that they were either misty or more misty but I've made a bit of a mess of it, the colours are very untrue!

  • The waterbirds on the river at first light:

    Solo the swan was around for some time, plus some other familiar birds, but no really good photo opportunities.

  • Some "ducks" on the river this morning but very little activity otherwise, and very little searching for it from Heather.

    She dashed off at this moment:

  • A miserable day, these 2 snaps taken late on, showing the rising waters:

  • The first birds:

    Another miserable day today.

    There's no accounting for taste Rolling eyes 

    That's up to about 18:00.

  • MC' Lovely close up views of the Egret---0853.
  • MC. Red Breasted Merganser.

    Copyright BGGW

  • 21 February

    The Canada geese are still around en masse and with stragglers, not many sightings of swans today.

    The morning was dominated by our Little Egret, stalking 'n stabbing, stalking 'n stabbing, occasionally distracted - but not in good focus so far:

    A chaffie, given the treatment despite being almost unrecognisable Wink  Now!  What I had to do was draw a 2-colour circle within the auto-generated grey-black circle, and once I got it right and saved it I could see that the colours were wrong, they should be redder and greener, but OMG I'm not going thru that again!

    I seem to have had an outage, no Merganser, so here's yours, MIKE, just to show appreciation:

  • You are too kind MC! We do try to help you! LOL
  • 22 February

    No individuals from me today: