WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 26, 2020

Hi all!  Check back to last page of previous week for updates on LIndybird's weekend in Wales plus photos.    

Granddaughter is coming tomorrow for a couple of days before taking Ms D. back to AZ on Tuesday.  Her school (online) starts the following week.  Very weird semester schedules in AZ.


  • Morning all:  

    OG:  I see that schools are scheduled to open August 11 (I may have missed that in your earlier posts).  I see that some will have phased re-openings; how does that affect J, if at all?  How is he doing today and what if he can't/won't go back to his job?  Thinking of you guys.

    SunnyKate: Thanks for that info; interesting to see how font size affects search results.  I see the Gabfest went on sabbatical back in 2017!  I was wondering how - OMG I can't remember; was it Jean who started it? - was doing.  Has anyone seen her?

    AQ:  I love the 'an errand constitutes going out' quote!  :-)  Have you RSVP'd to the December invite yet?

    Stay cool UK folks.  Our temps are rising modestly this weekend, then back to May Gray.  

    Catching up on desk stuff, etc., today.  Be well everyone.


    So sorry that things are so awkward for the 3 of you at the moment.. I may have missed something as I haven't been on the site much since Sunday. We only have one computer and there were priorities so I stepped back for a few days.
    Will J go back to the school in a couple of weeks or is he having to make a new start elsewhere? Hope things improve for you all.
  • Late on here today – slept late, lost another hour sorting something at bank (nothing serious but could have been), then spent the day on lots of small “loose ends”. Hot with lots of lovely sunshine all day.

    LYNETTE – OH was doing cleaning until I needed more looking after, but we have got the routines for that more automatic now, so at least during the autumn and winter we shall manage everything. J has Monday and Tuesday two INSET days when they return to school, and children will start on the Wednesday (he doesn’t usually do Wednesdays, but could be asked to now). Parents have been promised a pack of information – staff received nothing yet.

    ANNETTE – so pleased flooring is done – and more so since you love it so! Do have the rest you have promised yourself! RE school opening – Scottish Govt target is still 11th August, or 18th at latest where there are local decisions to be made. Staff here return 10th but are having a second training and preparation day, so it’s 12th for the kids – still subject to getting information from the County! Re the way J is, will just have to wait and see what happens when we get there! Certainly not intending to encourage him to give up his job – the longest one he has ever had!

    LINDA – hope you had a good visit from Sue!

    AQ – pleased to see your OH went out again. Enjoy the Christmas party!

    DIBNLIB – see answer to Annette above – and thanks for your kind thoughts!
  • Have had an exceptionally hot and oppressive day. Think it was about 32 degrees this afternoon. Sue came around and we sat in the garden as planned - Bonnie was overjoyed to see her! We had cold drinks and then indulged in an ice cream.

    Too hot to want or need a meal tonight, so we just had a small snack.

    OG - I think there should be a special Award invented for EE -- an Angel indeed. Am thinking of you all and hope everything works out for J.
  • I forgot it was first of month & hence slooooow day here. I’ve had to change from what I was going to do to past tense. I gathered everything possible to wash as has reached 21 C today after a warm night (min 10). All dry and put away. No rain expected until Thurs. First half of casserole in oven – I slow cook meat, carrots & onion and add rest of veggies soon.

    ANNETTE - You often ask about our climate. SA’s June rainfall was average, 71 mm. July’s rainfall 18 mm was ¼ of average.

    OG – We have never joined the Xmas party. Standing around in the local park waving a drink, is not my idea of fun. Certainly not this year.

    LINDA – Great that you had some “garden chat” time. Bonnie must notice the lack of visitors.

  • Just a thought

    When something bad happens, you have three choices.
    You can either let it define you. Let it destroy you. Or you can let it strengthen you.

  • Good morning - got up on time today and enjoyed the usual Saturday breakfast. Not done much since. 52nd wedding anniversary today - no plans.

    AQ - liked the Thought for the day, thanks.

    Have a good weekend, everyone - and ANNETTE: remember to rest!
  • Happy Anniversary to OG & her Angel of choice, EE!!

    Slept a little later as was awake in the middle of the night with hay fever sneezes. Bah. However, although later than I would like to queue up at local supermarket, there was a half empty carpark and no queue to go in! There has been a row about the local car parks having pay machines which will only take credit/debit cards not cash and its having an impact on local trade: not a good idea, lots say, to have to punch lots of buttons with your pin No & also yr car registration No!!

    Had a fun message with film of little Rosie,  our baby granddaughter, taking her first attempt to crawl. Aw!

  • We had an appt yesterday which lasted nearly 4 hours and we didn't get home till past 1am. Don't know how I have managed to stay awake but OH is now having an afternoon snooze. It will be an early night for us anyway.