WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 26, 2020

Hi all!  Check back to last page of previous week for updates on LIndybird's weekend in Wales plus photos.    

Granddaughter is coming tomorrow for a couple of days before taking Ms D. back to AZ on Tuesday.  Her school (online) starts the following week.  Very weird semester schedules in AZ.


  • Thanks, Diane!! Sounds good - I'll try to pop in and see it take off.

    Annette: Good to hear that your OH is recovering well. Fingers here are crossed for a good outcome for the flooring.

    We were excited to see a Woodpecker in the tree which is our neighbours, but which leans over our fence, this lunchtime. My OH called me and I crept nearer without going anywhere near the conservatory window, as it would have flown off. After a minute or two, the woodpecker was joined by his mate, who looked the same but without the distinctive red cap. They bounced around the tree from branch to branch, inspecting it and occasionally bashing the branches with their beaks. It was easy to see them as this tree is now very old and has only got leaves on the uppermost branches now. Lovely to see them, but impossible to photograph them as I've tried before and they are very shy and fly off at the slightest sign of movement.

    I fell asleep reading the newspaper after lunch, and realised I'd had a full hour. My OH had left me in peace. I decided to watch the News on TV and put it on but must have dropped off again straight away as when I came to, I'd had another half an hour in the land of Nod! Must have needed it but no chores done which I had earmarked for the afternoon.

    Have just ordered a wood effect venetian blind for our rear bedroom, which is the guest room. We were not totally thrilled with the service when we had the two front rooms done by a company who come to fit them, and so decided that as my OH had coped admirably with putting up a new one in our bedroom on his own, he could cope with a much larger one this time. Fingers crossed that we like it when it arrives, not having seen it except online, and that he can put it up with my help and few swearywords!

  • HEATHER - you were right about my opinion of the cleaning lady - and I didn't like the way she spoke to me either - a bit "ignorant" with no people skills although the company was called Home Angels (I don't think they train their staff).

    ANNETTE - pleased to see your OH has a check-up scheduled. You are being very patient with all the ongoing work in the house - It will feel really good when it is all complete - hard work doing it all at the same time, but will really feel like a job completed.

    DIANE - thanks for info about Perseverance launch - probably won't watch it as it happens live, but am sure there will be recordings. Hope the paperwork goes well without weather disruptions to your internet.

    We just picked another box of tomatoes - more for the freezer!
  • Woops - missed LINDA's latest! How lovely to see the Woodpeckers - Greater Spotted, I assume. Brave to tackle the large new blind - but Your OH can do anything he tries, it seems. Hope you like it when you see it.

  • Lindy, I also saw a green woodpecker in our garden yesterday. The first time I have seen one here. It was on the grass. I was excited and called OH to see it. We have seen a ?Lesser spotted a couple of times before.

    Thank you for the kind words, Heather. It is a sad time for the family. My son is not sure where he is 'at' right now.

    Annette, Pleased to know that your OH making good progress.

    Hello to everyone else. Thanks Diane for the launch info,
  • OG, The name "Home Angels" give the impression of a very superior outfit. Obviously not. Perhaps you were unlucky in the "Angel" sent to you.
  • Yes, OG -- Greater Spotted Woodpeckers. I've never seen a Green Woodpecker, unlike Rosy! Well done on noticing it, Rosy :-)

    Sorry you can't find a decent cleaner OG. I think if I had a cleaner I would be cleaning round before she came!!

    We haven't seen much of our younger neighbours since we all stopped clapping outside on a Thursday night, so my OH was shocked today to see the girl out by the gate, waving goodbye to someone, and looking very obviously about 8 months pregnant!! These are the couple who have a four year old and an eighteen month old, so they will be very busy soon.
  • Just a thought

    I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. (Mother Teresa)

  • Evening all:  Well, floor crew was much better today (or maybe it was me...).  Anyway, we are over the worst.  

    Diane:  Thanks for the info re the Perseverance mission.  I've set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. Not sure I'll make it though.

    Rosy:  A green woodpecker?   Ar they a rare sight?

    Lindybird:  Good luck with the window blinds.

    AQ:  Wetlands looks like a nice place - are you planning a mid-winter picnic?

    Off to bed soon; have a good Thursday everyone.

  • ANNETTE - Not a mid winter picnic, just a meeting ‘cos the three of us have not seen each other since, er, since February. Phone calls are not the same as a threesome natter.

    I came home via shop & library. Knickers for Little people successful. Latest books in quarantine for few days (imposed by me). I felt quite perky until I saw the dreadful news from VIC. New cases more than double from yesterday, 13 more deaths, mostly in aged care.