Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 July 2020

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay healthy, all.


Here's a repeat of my post at the end of last week's thread:

Hi, folks. I'm late in posting this, but for all of you who are still around tonight (4 July): 


The moon turns full at:

5:44 a.m. tomorrow morning (5 July) in U.K.
12:44 a.m. tonight in Indiana
11:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in Iowa
9:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in California 
2:14 p.m. on July 5 in Adelaide, Australia

ALSO: a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is visible (July 4-5) in the U.S. and also in the U.K. Go to this link to find the times that the eclipse begins, reaches maximum, and ends in your area. Just insert your city in the search box in the right column to see your own local times. SEE HERE

Everyone have a good evening!!!

  • Just a thought

    Don’t search for the meaning of life. Simply be present for the people you love. (Maxime Lagace)

  • Evening all:  

    AQ: How exciting to see Daughter and trio of littles.  Enjoy!  Am watching Australia's First Four Billion Years: Strange Creatures  Fascinating program;; lots and lots of new (to me)  info..  

    Am soooo looking forward to Saturday morning, when no painters will be showing up and we don't have to leap out of bed and be presentable before we've had a chance to wake up.

    Have a good Friday everyone.

  • Good Morning. Dry here!

    I just read Rosy's post which wasn't there when I posted last night, we must have crossed. Rosy, our walk is one I've shown a few times - it's about fifteen minutes drive in the car and that section is as you can see, part of an old railway route. Its now become part of what's known as the Trans Pennine Way which of course goes for miles. We can pick it up in two or three places - we usually park the car, walk as far as desired, then retrace our steps to get back to the car again. Very popular with walkers, cyclists, dog walkers, horse riders etc. Beautiful Cheshire countryside all around with farms, fields and most of all, fresh air!!

    We like the fact that there is a good, dry path where we don't get too muddy!
  • Unexpected rain last evening – lasted till bedtime - great for the garden, especially as the forecast overnight and Friday morning rain didn’t materialise! It was a weird day Thursday – expected washing machine man turned up at the right time, but had the wrong parts so will be back next week. Then had a call from Scottish Gas to ask could we have our boiler service that afternoon instead of next week. Both were very good with Covid protection. Surprised we managed garden time with all that was going on.

    Sky is a bit grey today but may be brighter later. OH just back from Tesco – no other plans for the day.
    Good to read the overnight posts – it seems that most of us are beginning to warily go forth, but nothing daring yet.
  • Quiet day yesterday. ROSY's word 'inertia' just about sums it up!
    Brain and body both tired and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. My R knee is playing up, not a happy bunny. I have been looking online for exercises to strengthen surrounding muscles. I don't want to go into the medical model system if I don't have to...
    Youngest family on their way from Elgin.
  • Heather: Do you have a diagnosis? What makes your knee play up?

    I hope you can enjoy your family today. Sorry you feel bad.

  • No DIANE, no medical diagnosis! Just slightly swollen and also painful after kneeling etc. I keep away from doctors if I can, so will go, reluctantly, if I can't manage it myself :-) Thank you x  It cracks when I move it so my self diagnosis is just a guess ...But after 75 odd years, most people have wear and tear, I think! 

  • Heather:

    Here are some exercises and information from sources that I trust:

    (1) Harvard University: Easy Exercises for Healthy Knees (The first time I clicked the link, it let me read the article and see the exercises. The second time, it told me I had to subscribe. So you may want to print it, save it, or something.)

    (2) Cleveland Clinic: How to Strengthen Your Quads to Potentially Reduce Your Risk of Knee Osteoarthritis: Build Your Body's Natural Knee Brace

    (3) Web MD: 8 Exercises to Help Your Knees

    (4) Web MD: Knee Osteoarthritis Exercises

    I hope you feel better!!!

  • How lovely of you to post lots of help for Heather, Diane :-)

    If it's any small consolation, Heather, my knees have been going 'crack' for at least the last 20 years. :-) . And I just can't kneel at all, any more :-(

    OG - What an exciting time you've had, with gasmen, etc!! Hope you manage a quieter time today.

    Sue had problems with her gas boiler yesterday, and had to jump out of the shower as it kept cutting out. My OH went there and looked at it - he hopes he's fixed the problem which was to do with the water entry - so the boiler was cutting itself off as a safety measure.
  • I read somewhere that peasants only bathed once a year, usually as close as they could before their wedding day. Apparently bouquets were introduced to disguise body smells!!!