LOCH ARKAIG - The Woodland Trust - JULY 2020

I'm starting this thread in case it's not possible for MARY to do it due to the first-of-the-month freeze-up.

Aila, Louis and their 3 chicks are flourishing, with Louis proving a great provider to the biggest family he's had so far.

I might add some snaps 'n things if I last a bit longer, but let's get the thread on the road first ;)

  • Great tail-swallow capture, Mary, I gave it a youtube 'like'. It did look a bit painful, like being invited to a meal with friends and being served tough meat - you just have to keep working away until it's swallowed, and remember to tell them how much you enjoyed their cooking..

    Edit: Or hope the family dog is lurking underneath the dining table..

  • patily said:
    Good Morning All So happy that things look.....and sound.........back to normal The chicks seemed to take a long time to recover yesterday evening and a long time for Aila to return

    Mornnig to you, Patily. We were told by Liz B that Aila was on a tree near the nest all that time yesterday, and in fact you can hear her fish-calling at times until Louis arrived at 21.09 with fish number seven. The chicks would have known she was near, and as soon as the fish arrived, they were back to their usual lively selves. The ringing certainly generated a lively discussion on WT chat, one or two were quite put out at human interference, but as always, George diplomatically but firmly steered the chat round to calmer times.

  • Thanks Geemelf I did hear Aila alarm calling earlier on but I had to go about 7.45 when the chicksweren't yet up except for the furthest one getting up for a quick poop. I did feel sorry for them as they looked quite scared but have been following the ospreys long enoughto know all will be well and we learn such a lot from ringing
  • 11.54, fish & atmospheric raindrops. Ian


  • A very wet lloking day at Loch Arkaig, but it hasn't stopped Louis!

    11.56 fish delivery, and he left.  Aila is feeding the chicks

    Lovely little squeals of delight as the chicks take each mouthful

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 13.49, fish. You can just see it behind Louis leg. Before he landed you can tell which direction he was coming in from. Ian


  • The latest below on gender from George on WT chat. I seem to recall last year there being some doubt about Mallie. Ian
    "Lewis is having a ponder over the measurements he took, and may canvas a few opinions. The birds had lovely full crops when he weighed them so he wants to adjust for this. It is unlikely we will have details of gender today. We will hopefully have answers over the weekend and will then be able to start discussions on names."

  • Oh dear it is pouring now.  Only an angry bird can be heard off cam, while Aila tries desperately to cover her huge chicks.

    and it doesn't look as though it is going to stop any time soon.  The tiny red dot is Loch Arkaig

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi SHEILA I thought of the poor birds as I watched the weather forecast earlier Going to be a windy weekend into the bargain Poor Aila looks thoroughly miserable
    I was going to post George's comment but I see it has already been done. He does say no name suggestions until asked
  • 15.24, fish. I assume a new one. Ian