LOCH ARKAIG - The Woodland Trust - JULY 2020

I'm starting this thread in case it's not possible for MARY to do it due to the first-of-the-month freeze-up.

Aila, Louis and their 3 chicks are flourishing, with Louis proving a great provider to the biggest family he's had so far.

I might add some snaps 'n things if I last a bit longer, but let's get the thread on the road first ;)

  • 08.45, Aila comes to the nest calling, Louis brings in a fish. Aila takes it from Louis. JJ6 arrives shortly after and takes the fish from Aila. Ian

    Aila takes the fish from Louis

    JJ6 takes the fish from Aila


  • Ian S said:

    08.45, Aila comes to the nest calling, Louis brings in a fish. Aila takes it from Louis. JJ6 arrives shortly after and takes the fish from Aila. Ian

    Aila takes the fish from Louis

    JJ6 takes the fish from Aila

    Morning Ian - fish number two scenario is the same as fish number one - Aila arrives on an empty nest, Louis brings fish, Doddie turns up and takes it, noisily. A survivor, that one - me me me first and foremost!

  • MaryGK said:

    Good Morning All

    That is a nice little video Geemeff - my understanding is that there will be a film made of some of the videos submitted, so I hope yours is picked....

    Now can I ask an expert like yourself a question on Iguana's.... 

    In 2012 we seen this Iguana in Curacao, and have seen him/her each year ever since in and around the same area of the Mega Pier, Willemstad...

    This was taken in 2012

    and this in 2019 - I have always wondered if it was the same Iguana, having said that we have seen more in other areas of Willemstad as well....  

    Sorry for hijacking the thread, but have always been curious about this, and this is the only way to let you see the photos as not in touch privately.   I have also seen an Osprey in 2015 and 2018 but have no way of knowing if it is the same one  

    Morning Mary, lucky you going on holiday with free-roaming iguanas! It could be the same one as they're territorial and live up to twenty years, but I don't think it is - in photo one, the male has broken spines around his back legs, and in photo two, also a male, has intact spines and is a little smaller girth-wise.

    Pleased you liked my video - when Ridley Scott did this in 2011, he got 80,000 clips and used about 300, so I'm not too hopeful of making the final cut! Did you upload your day?

    EDIT: Mature males have a very prominent round 'jewel' diagonally down from their eyes (to the right in Mary's photos). The females also have it but it's flat. If you look at my video, female Tosca on the left and male Vivaldi on the right, you'll see the difference immediately.

  • Message from WT:
    Woodland Trust Moderator
    77 minutes ago
    *SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!* Join us for an online celebration of the Famous Five - Aila, Louis, Doddie, Vera and Captain.

    We don't need to tell you this has been an odd summer. As the Woodland Trust was unable to engage with people in traditional ways, we tried some new approaches including online webinars. With so many people finding Zoom a good way to keep in contact during the pandemic, we decided to trial a few of us talking about a topic to an invited audience who could then chip in with questions. The Loch Arkaig ospreys were an obvious subject.

    We ran some test sessions in June and invited a selection of supporters. The sessions were judged a success so we have decided to run two more. An invite to those watchers (that the WT has permission to email) will go out shortly.

    The very final session though - will be reserved exclusively for people who are active here on the osprey comments. The maximum number of attendees will be 290. This special session is a thank you for your help in making this such a successful season. The comment community is part of what makes the livestream special and we value everyone's contribution.

    Webinar spaces are limited and must be booked in advance. You can only book through this link: woodlandtrusttickets.cloudvenue.co.uk/Locharkaigospreysseasonalhighlightsofthefamousfive

    Please only book 1 ‘ticket’ per household. When they are gone they are gone. If you receive an invite for the second webinar session (also on August 7) please attend only one session so the maximum number of people can take part. If you already attended one of our earlier webinars we would ask that you let others have a slot this time.

    Thank you all.
  • Aila and youngsters waiting for a fish that never came. Ian


  • 13.28, Aila is on the nest shouting as Louis brings in a nice flat fish. She is not alone for long as firstly JJ7 then JJ6 arrive. Aila initially mantles over the fish but is now feeding. Ian


  • Thanks for your reply Geemeff - I am just happy to know any information at all, even knowing what gender those Iguana's are is a result Smiley

    As I was on holiday I didn't bother doing any video, fingers crossed that yours gets picked though.  

  • May I present: The Four Ospreys - Summer: The fledge and return of the Loch Arkaig Osplets July 2020

    Part of my Classic Ospreys series