.A hasty start to the new month, to get something done in BIRDIE's forced absence and before the possible/probable FIRST OF THE MONTH FREEZE (and I've already got freezing probs here!).
When Birdie is back in she may give me her comprehensive version to insert here :)
Parents and chicks are all doing well, with no real upsets so far.
©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife
25 July
05:13-14 KC2 (99% sure) paid a 20-second flappy visit.
And another @ 05:27, stayed several minutes - this is snapped between all-too-frequent rainblobs - talking of blobs, why the dark stain on her breast?
06:02 KC3:
06:11 KC4:
06:22 Heather came on duty :)
KC3 brought a pine cone and played with it and chewed it:
Aran brought a flapping flounder, KC3 was waiting. Did Aran chase someone? KC2 arrived:
While KC3 was in command of the fish, KC2 seemed to have a little tantrum - or may have been dancing ;)
She now appears to be waiting patiently while KC3 continues to eat.
Aran with another FLOUNDER :)
Competition for this one between 2 and 4 (KC3 smug with his).
KC4 got it first:
But KC2 soon wrested it from her and has kept possession:
07:50 KC4 got the fish back and the other 2 flew shortly after:
Aran's just brought another fine fish, whole, but the cam needs redirecting...
KC2 has come for it but Aran's feeding himself at the mo.
MrsG arrived and waited, but Aran gave the fish to KC2:
Aran flew off and MrsG went to the perch and waited until KC2 left the fish, then she took it and flew off with it:
KC4 was last to leave the nest @ 08:50:
Heather found a cryptic osprey in an oak tree - looks like Aran as I type but it was impossible to distinguish at first:
ID revealed:
This nest doesn't have nearly such a healthy following since BIRDIE left us
Coal Tits get everywhere but they won't keep still !!!