Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 June 2020


I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, and happy week plus a wonderful July!!!

And somebody make it stop raining! I've had 5 inches of rain today. No kidding!

  • AQ; So do you poke or tickle the software when it acts up? :-) Not sure about the Windows wait time.....

    Painter came today to put samples of three paint finalists on the walls. Two looked exactly the same. Not sure I care anymore....

    Take care all
  • LINDY ANNETTE thanks for OHs best wishes.
  • Good Morning. Dry here but cloudy.

    Off to do our Big Shop, and my OH has to collect prescription from chemists so is going to buy face masks- hes been wearing a scarf around his face up to now, but he has an appointment for a haircut next week!!

    Good quotes AQ. The times I've wished my pc was smaller, so I could easily throw it through the window!
  • Whoa, where is everyone?

    Cold and wet here - I'm sitting by a fire for half an hour whilst my OH sets off on his mission. Sue was very upset yesterday when we arrived on our visit. It was all to do with the dog.

    The previous day, her son and her two granddaughters had visited, and they came indoors because they are in her "bubble." They also brought their much loved and very gentle small dog with them.

    Sue went into the kitchen to put cake onto a plate, when both dogs followed her. Suddenly, without any warning or provocation, Lulu turned and viciously attacked the other dog. Poor Flo who is very timid was terrified, and ran around trying to escape. She is also a dog from a Rescue Centre and has had to have lots of love and care to calm her since she joined their family. Lulu forced her into a corner and continued her attack - both children screamed and were hysterical. It took two people to separate the dogs, forcibly, and of course everyone was very upset. So Sue was in tears yesterday, telling us and saying that now she felt quite differently about the dog. We said that only she could decide what's for the best.

    This morning we waited for her to ring us with her decision: my OH offered to take them both back to the Rescue place if that's what she wanted, and eventually she rang saying that it would have to be done - she could not cope with an unpredictable animal. Also, her grandchildren are so important to her.

    I think that it was because dogs always associate kitchens with food, and there is such a primal instinct to keep others away from any food source. Sue will no doubt be upset today but it's probably for the best that she lets this one go. Very sad.
  • Lindy, that is very sad. I am sorry. Sue is obviously a very kind person and tried to do her best for Lulu.

    The grandchildren are very important, and must come first.
  • LINDY What a shame all round. I hope it does not put Sue off getting another rescue. Most of course make wonderful family members.
  • Sorry for absence, intended to make replies today but have granddaughters here.
    LINDY - So sad about LULU. Sue has made the right decision and she is so lucky to have you both to support and help her. Lulu obviously has ' issues' and I hope that the Rescue Centre will make it clear to future owners ( if there are any) that she needs to be homed where there are no other dogs or children. Maybe Sue will have to bite the bullet and pay for a dog from a recognised breeder? I'm sorry, don't know anything about the canine world...

  • Oh Lindy, I'm so sorry - what an awful thing to happen, for everyone concerned and for both the dogs. Sue is quite right, she can't have an unpredictable dog. It's such a sad story, and I can only imagine how awful Sue must feel. And so upsetting for poor Flo as well. I do hope it doesn't set her back, and I hope the children - indeed, everyone - are not too traumatised. And I feel sorry for Lulu as well. She was obviously only doing what her instinct told her, but of course that sort of instinct does not work in a family and home environment. My heart goes out to everyone, people and dogs alike.
  • After Lindys sad news I hope this cheers everyone up. We live just a 2 minute walk from Culloden forest where we often see red squirrels. This morning my OH drew back the bedroom curtains and saw a red squirrel in our front garden. It ran under our car and into next door where it disappeared. An hour or so we were downstairs and we saw a red squirrel again. It came from the area of the bird table in the back garden, jumped into next doors garden and paused for a few seconds before climbing a tree, where it paused again before disappearing out of sight. Don't know if this was the same squirrel that we saw twice or 2 squirrels. What a lovely start to the day. I then headed out for a walk with my friend and her 2 dogs. Once again the weather stayed dry despite the wet forecast.

    Similar to Heather I was wondering if Sue would be better going to the RSPCA or Dogs Trust where I think they are obliged to give a full history of problems be that health or temperament.