Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 June 2020


Everyone have a wonderful, safe, healthy week!

There were lots and lots of new posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

  • Good Morning. No comments (yet) as I'm dashing off out on my Shopping Day. OH is coming, too, as he wants to buy a case of beer to drink - most unusual, but its the heat which has made him thirsty. He rarely drinks beer, even when we're out. We both plan to wear masks.
  • Sad news yesterday that one of OHs golfing pals has died, after having cancer and fighting it with all kinds of treatment for the last 18 months.
  • Had a mixed sort of outing: when we got to the car park, the machines which you pay for parking had changed and will not take loose change now: you have to use a debit card. I followed the instructions, and tried three times to pay. No go. My OH then got out of the car and said to me "Let the other people in the queue have a go instead of making them wait" - I pointed out that actually, they were all terrified of the machine and were looking at how I fared, to see how to do it. In the end we decided not to pay. My OH would come in the shop and choose his beer, then leave it with me to pay for the shopping. Then he would move the car if necessary.

    He rushed off to the shop, leaving me to find my mask, get the shopping bags, get a trolley and then queue up to get in. He was in the queue ahead of me. When he got inside, he rushed off to get the beer and disappeared. I went inside and began to look at my list, but because I didn't know if he was going to come and find me, I missed out a whole section of the shop.... When eventually we met up, he left the beer with me and went back to the car in case we got a fine for not having a ticket.

    The ending of this was that I missed several things off my list, and we had an argument when I returned to the car, about "whose fault it was" and he lost his temper. This, you must understand, is most unusual. He is just not that kind of person. I was not bothered, though, and drove us back. Now he is being grumpy - I know its because he hates anyone losing their temper, and hates that it was him. His friend at golf yesterday said to him, that he and his wife of 52 years had had several blazing rows as they were both fed up with getting in each others way all day. I shrugged and said it was understandable. These are strange times. I'm OK and am just getting on with things.

  • Diane, love the woodpecker. So smart in their black, red and white!

    Annette, Well done on getting rid of the bookcases so quickly. at least now they're out of the way. We had an email from some friends who have been decluttering whilst stuck at home, and they threw out so much stuff that they had to have a skip! Privately, though, I wondered how much of it could have been donated to good causes, but that's just me. I hate waste.

    I hope OG & EE are cooling down a bit now. Its not usually that warm that far north! Or is it? Hope too, that the toe is behaving itself and not so painful now.

    AQ - Sorry that the family have a sad event on the horizon. Does your daughter have a mother in law? Glad the trio were well behaved, at least they are getting more manageable now they're not toddlers, although with the maturity comes different problems.
  • Sis in law Sue went to a Dog Rescue today, and came home with a new member of the family...  Meet Lulu.

    Making herself at home already.

  • LINDY - Between the oppressive heat and everything else, loads of us are brittle, these days x I'm just sorry that it got to your OH... Had he heard about the death of his friend at that time?
    I live much further North than OG , they live pretty much on the Border, the Solway Firth.
  • Lulu seems to have landed on her paws! Hope it's a long and happy relationship.

    Lovely walk at Hever Castle yesterday - very, very hot! But lots of trees, and plenty of water. Keep fit today, so now I feel justified in doing very little active for the rest of the day.

    Hope everyone is enjoying, or surviving, our present hot spell. We had a loud and wet thunder storm very early this morning, and it has certainly cleared the air. Much more pleasant today, but apparently we are in for more storms over the next couple of days. Amazing how quickly the lawns are greening up again.

    Take care, all.
  • Glad that you enjoyed your walk, PAT !
    BTW all that talk about cake - yum! I love anything with lemon in it.
    We have just had a very weak and short lived thunderstorm. I've only ever experienced one cracking storm since coming here in 1977. Down in Devon on the South coast - fork lightning etc.' Proper job' as we used to say !
  • Yes I hate waste. The other day I found some pastry which had been in the freezer for a very long time. Each time I defrosted the fry I meant to get rid of it but never did. You have got to throw it out said OH. NO way, I have cooked it and the birds just love it.
  • Morning all:  

    Lindybird: Sorry that your OH was upset but it's so understandable as you say.  And to lose a friend too...  Maybe leave him at home next time you go to the store?  :-)   Lucky Lulu!

    Diane: Hope the car started and that the shopping trip went well.  Our stores have removed the 'this way only' signs on the floors but retained the 'wait here' floor signs near the checkout stands.  People seem to be very aware of social distancing and there's a lot of 'you go first' gestures and nods of acknowledgement in response.    I wouldn't say koi ponds are common here, but then I don't get too many invites from the very wealthy! :-))

    Rosy:  That is a long climb, but the upside is that it provides good exercise.  I'm assuming no elevator in the building.  How do you manage with groceries?

    AQ:  Not good news about the kiddies' other grandpa.  It's hard to know what to say/do as they are each individuals and will take it on board in their own way... Good luck with future chats.   Hope you enjoyed your time when OH was out to lunch.  :-)

    We have a carpenter coming tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. to install trim and moulding.   OH is not happy at the prospect of banging and sawing at such an early hour so I will sleep-walk him into 'my' room with the newspaper and shut the door.  I'm saving a lot of garden work for when the painters come the week after next.   

    Thanks all for posts and news; stay well.