Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 June 2020


Everyone have a wonderful, safe, healthy week!

There were lots and lots of new posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

  • Yes, Pat - it was delicious. I'm just munching on a new kind of biscuit discovered the other day - a sort of digestive with choc chips in it, and lots of coconut. I'll eat just about anything with coconut in it, except for coffee cake! Your outing sounds idyllic. And no noise, to boot. Wonderful. Its so much quieter around here, too.

    My OH is chewing his biscuit(s) thoughtfully. I'll ask his opinion later.

    Dibnlib - What is a sporgi? Is it a spaniel/corgi cross, as it sounds?

    Had quite a lot of reaction to my posting my pics on locally: sadly, lots of reports that there are other hot spots of litter locally, too. Someone commented that How Did I Know it Was Youngsters? but I've not risen to the bait of discussing it - we are 99% sure it was, from their choice of booze and crisps etc. And which adults would want to sit in the middle of a small wood in the dark with a smelly fire burning? So I left it as simply stating the facts and having no other opinions on it.

    We sat in the garden today, just before and after listening to Boris and his latest statement. It was so pleasant to hear the birds sing, and next door talking VERY LOUDLY on her phone - I don't think she realises that as its only a low fence and a hedge we can hear every word. Charming listening to her singing to the children, though, and teaching them lots of the songs we sang to ours, all those years ago.
  • All this talk of cake reminds me of when we were all much younger and used to take CAKE for the staff and volunteers at Loch Garten - I think chocolate cake was usually the favourite!
  • Lindybird: By their snacks shall ye know them..
  • Pat O: Please get on a jet plane and fly to Chicago. In Chicago, rent a helicopter and fly to west-central Indiana. You can land the helicopter in the big country field along the highway near my house. Then, walk down the long driveway lane back to the woods where my house is. Please bring the baked lemon cheesecake!!! I dearly love lemon cheesecake, but I can't make it and no shops or restaurants ever have it around here. LOL!!!!!!!!!

  • I posted the above before continuing. I never quite trust the Site these days not to lose my whole post.

    OG - I can see you've been mighty busy, so no surprise you have not had time to come on here:  you didn't say what your OH's reaction to the haircut was, though! Our neighbour had her hair cut by her OH the other day, and he made a reasonable job of her fringe. However, they made us laugh, as he flatly refused to let her or their daughter cut his hair!!

    Annette:  there is always one in the family who likes to keep lots of stuff.  Unfortunately, as I've said before, in this house, its ME.  Exciting that you're going to get the painting done.  Have you decided on a colour scheme for each room?

    Sis in law Sue has had a fraught couple of days:  her boiler went on strike and she had no hot water, so she called a plumber. He did not turn up.  She then called one which we recommended. He said he would come later after he'd done the job he was on:  he did not turn up.  Today she was waiting for another one to come, by late afternoon he had not turned up yet, either.  I am about to message her and see if there is any news. Grr.  She has not been able to wash her hair for 3 days and is washing up the pots with a kettle full.

  • Plumber coming tomorrow. We all fervently hope so.
  • View of the scene of party the other night.

  • The bottles we left behind to pick up later, as could not carry more -- we had twice as many as this already to carry back. I had put them in this pile so that it would be easier later on. My OH went back today to fetch the last of it all.

  • Hi all , just dropping in. Skimmed through posts and thanks for news of what is going on with you.

    Lindybird - it thoroughly annoys me that the people who leave litter like this have never been taught by their parents to take it home with them. We were taught that and I always make sure we don't leave any debris around after a picnic.
    Such a shame, they wouldn't like it in their back gardens!!!!

    Hope you are all ok and getting through this lockdown scenario - there is light at the end of the tunnel and we will get there.

    Not a lot going on down here. Weather has been gorgeous and is hotting up only to change at the weekend!
    Got the nest at Lock Akraig on and it is raining up there.
  • Diane - I would dearly love to follow your instructions to bring you lemon cheesecake, but unfortunately circumstances do not allow me to - no planes to Chicago! I'll take a raincheck.

    Lindy - That debris is appalling. How can people do that? We also were always told to take our rubbish home - and we still do. You and your OH have done a great job clearing it all up, but it really shouldn't be necessary. Sadly, the perpetrators probably won't be the ones to read your letter or see the photographs in your local press. And those who do will say, 'Oh dear', and carry on. So frustrating.

    Golf this morning. Going out early, so should avoid the top heat of the day. Looking forward to the exercise, but those hills in the heat … hmmm. Back for an open-air Songs of Praise this afternoon. Doubt I'll have any breath left to sing!