Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 June 2020


Everyone have a wonderful, safe, healthy week!

There were lots and lots of new posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

  • Heather, I remember Devonians and 'Proper job' from my Bristol days. It came out more like 'Prabber jab'.
    I think my brother later found a West Country beer with that name.

    Annette, yes we do have a lift, but I prefer the exercise (except perhaps for yesterday). I use the lift for bringing shopping upstairs.
    My OH is not happy with early morning activities now, either. He gets up early, but likes peace and quiet. I like to talk then. It does not go down well.

    Lindy, did Sis in law Sue plan her new companion, or was it a short notice decision? Lucy certainly seems to have settled in.
    I also think we are all rather brittle these days. We are all out of our comfort zone, and familiar routines.

    Dibnlib, good use for the ancient pastry.
  • Heather, yes, he knew about the death of his friend when they all met to play golf on Thursday. He has been a bit tense, and I think it's beginning to get to him, although he has in fact been out of the house more than I have, what with the golf, allotment tending and dog walking.

    Sue has had her eye on getting a dog since before the lock down: she was debating on which kind to have, then. Since then, everything came to a halt and she said it was a shame she hadn't had time to get one before it happened, as of course she has been alone. If you remember, she had a training dog as a puppy, for the Guide Dogs for the Blind a few years ago. Her dog Nessie was beautiful, a golden Labrador, and she missed her terribly when she went off to do her work.

    Sue saw this dog online, as the Rehoming Rescue place puts their pictures on the website. She is a sort of Pomeranian/dachshund cross and is two years old. Tonight she has settled down well and seems quiet and gentle. Fingers crossed.

    We're off to bed -- its very warm here still so hope I sleep. Bad figures of increases in the number of Covid cases in the U.S., take care everyone there.

  • Ps -- Dibnlib, the birds do well out of the various strange things I put outside, although this week I had to admit defeat on a really old package of frozen spinach which went into the compost instead!

    I've been known to make a sort of 'bird cake' from old flour, baked in the microwave with bird seed and dried fruit added. They loved that!
  • Sunny but cold day, washing hanging limply. Workman has appeared on Grand Design; the first work since last Thurs week! News that my church services revert to normal next week with 200 permitted, but we have to remember the 2 sq metre rule. We  rarely have more than 100. Our state’s good record of no new cases for 30+ days is about to come to an end. This weekend a special planeload of 300 Aussies return from overseas and go to hotel for 14 days isolation. Experience indicates that 10% will test positive in that time.

    LINDA – It is understandable that housebound people get fraught at times. I try to keep some time to myself during the day. A lot of “biting the tongue” at times LOL. Yes Dau has a m-i-l. 

    Dau was collecting Trio early from school yesterday so they could visit G-pa, I presume one at a time. They have not seen him for months. My G-ma died when I was 12 and my big sister was delegated to keep me far away on other side of cemetery. Probably the reason for my fascination with headstones now?

  • If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

    Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish?

    Is the deer crossing the road, or is the road crossing the forest? (Freequill)

    The only good cage is an empty cage. (Lawrence Anthony)

  • Evening all: Thanks for updates and responses. :-) The carpenter texted this afternoon that his current job is running late and can he come Tuesday afternoon instead of crack of dawn tomorrow. Oh well; we've got lots to do over the next few days, so....... Moving those bookcases and other things was a real eye-opener. I'd forgotten we'd never painted the baseboards in that area and - OMG - the dust and the cobwebs! Arghhh.

    Covid cases here really on the upswing. This evening's news claimed that young people (that's under 40) are the main group affected due to their unsafe socializing. Double arghhh..... I'm wondering if/when the EU will ban US residents from entry - would make sense to me.

    Meanwhile, take care everyone.
  • Annette and Everyone: Forgive my ignorance. But, Annette, will this decree by the E.U. (blocking Americans from travelling to Europe) keep you from visiting your sister if necessary? Of course, I understand that Brexit happened, but I also know that negotiations to determine what Brexit will legally look like are ongoing. So, would you be allowed into the U.K.? I think you are a dual citizen. Or do current U.K. restrictions keep you from visiting her, anyway? I hope you could go if you need to.

    EDIT: I guess that coming from the hotspot U.S., you couldn't risk infecting her and the rest of your family, anyway. 

  • Sorry, folks, I can't even keep track of the restrictions in my own state.
  • Good Morning. Rain in the night, here! But that was only the edge of a storm which we were promised.

    Nice to be a bit cooler, after that excessive heat. Really can't get my head around it being the weekend already.

    Reports from Sue that she put the dogs bed downstairs, but predictably Lulu turned up beside her bed and stared at her until she welcomed her up. My OH chortled, as he knew she would find it hard to be disciplined.
  • LINDY so pleased Lulu has a nice new home. Hopefullylly she and Bonnie will become best buddies.

    DIANE yes we are well, thank you. I am so enjoying my walks with friends now that we are able to meet up. This morning I walked with a friend and her daughters beautiful husky/collie. Breagha is a lovely shade of red with amazing blue eyes. We didn't do the long walk as it will be extremely boggy after yesterdays downpour, nevertheless less we were still out for over an hour then my friend and I had coffee in the garden. I do hope you are keeping well too.