Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 June 2020


Everyone have a wonderful, safe, healthy week!

There were lots and lots of new posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

  • Been out to restock our bird seed. Have to limit myself doling it out, or they would eat it all in one day, I reckon!!! Went back to the place where I photographed the horses the other time - they are standing quite happily in their field, looking peaceful. Some small children were on the fence, hoping they might come nearer.

    Also bought some more new potatoes, as we don't want to pull all ours out of the ground too soon. A fresh looking cauli for tonight, and a small (!) but naughty home made looking cherry fruitcake.

    AQ - that place is a gem indeed. How wonderful. Not many people will have the energy to climb up to see it, so it may stay relatively peaceful, hopefully.

    Diane, those gorgeous Blue Herons -- just wonderful, and must look quite majestic up close.
  • Morning all:  Gee.  I posted something last night but must've forgotten to hit the Reply to Thread button.

    Lindybird:  That trash pile is quite a haul.  Whatever happened to Keep Britain Beautiful.

    Diane: How nice to have different critters moving into the neighborhood; albeit due to heavier than usual rains.  We have Great Blue Herons here - they nest in the eucalyptus trees near the ocean inlet.  The trees tend to be tall and spindly and the birds are the same, so it's a bit odd to see them balancing on the top branches.  They have a bad reputation for snatching koi etc. from people's backyard ponds.

    AQ:  Love the photos of the Disappearing Tarn. I Googled to try to find out why it's such an intense color and saw a brief reference that it was caused by dolorite rocks, but no further explanation.  Dolorite is a dark gray-black rock....

    Off to do something constructive.....

  • Sorry, I had great intentions today, to write here. This morning I thought I would wait to see what kind of day I would have and then write about it. Bad idea because my day has been very frustrating and not worth writing about. Much of it is to do with satellite dish, TVs and things not working.
    I've read your news and it was the best part of my day...
    Take care, all
  • Duke inspecting new edging tidy lawn and a border that’s now weed free...
    Lovely weather so all good up here..
    Youngest got a call from her dentist as she should have had last visit for root canal treatment. So off she went yesterday and I have to point out she has a morbid fear of dentists. Well after 1 1/2 hours in the chair with a metal then plastic mask over her face with just a hole for her mouth she cane out a tad traumatised. It’s over but not sure she would have gone if she had known.
    Her staff and students did COVID tests Friday collected by a courier lunchtime and results back at 10am Saturday and all clear.
    Our hairdressers open 15th July and I would love to go strait away but will wait for it to all calm down .
    Clark’s shoe shop in Elgin won’t reopen which is sad as the only place for sturdy children’s shoes and not everyone can travel to Inverness . Sadly I can see high streets dying.
  • Had a peculiar day! Have just been reading pages so far, but forget what I saw. Will make a better effort tomorrow - not sure when as I have had to ask podiatrist to come back and look at my very sore toe, and will need to shower before she comes as she will probably use a dressing which will need to stay dry for a couple of days!
  • What a lovely green garden Wendy, and very tidy. I like the hostas. Duke obviously approves.

    Sorry things are not going well for you at the moment Heather. Very annoying when things do not work, and you know they should.

    I went for my early morning old folks shop this morning. I don't know how long the supermarkets will keep doing this, as (anti)social distancing is changing. I notice that everyone takes more time looking at the products now, and picking up and replacing on the shelves. It is taking longer to shop as I have to wait for folks to move on. I suppose I am not rushing around, as I did in the early days of lockdown.
  • Wendyb:  Sorry to hear the local Clarks is closing.  I grew up in their shoes.....  We used to have a Clark's store downtown, but it closed a couple of years back along with several other downtown retailers.  Congrats on the weed-free border - and everything looks sooooo green. I'm sure Duke approves.  Your daughter's visit sounds a bit horrendous what with various masks - root canals are bad enough under normal circumstances...

    Heather: Do hope your entertainment problems have been sorted out by now!

    Lindybird:  You asked if we had decided on a color scheme for each room.  Short answer is No.  It's going to be a soft while all over and once the floor is in (and depending how ambitious I feel) I may play around with some colors in the living room, but don't anyone hold their breath.

    OG:  Hope your toe gets sorted too.

    Rosy: I was wondering the same thing about 'senior' hours but as long as numbers are rising here, I imagine they'll stay in place.

    We put two of OH's very tall bookcases for sale on the local website yesterday and are amazed that two interested parties are coming by today to look at them.  Fingers crossed we can help them out the door with them.

    Take care everyone.

  • A tidy view, Wendy. Duke looks happy about the state of things!

    Heather, sorry you've had a fraught day. I can sympathise when technical things go wrong - I seem to have had a spate of them lately.

    A warm day here today, to say the least. Sat in the garden this afternoon with Sue, who came to catch up on gossip under our garden umbrella. She brought naughty cream cakes as a treat, but mine was so sweet that I didn't even fancy my dinner this evening, and we eventually ate at about 8.00pm, which is unusual for us. Sue finally got a plumber to come, & he fixed the boiler problem very quickly. I said that at least, now, she was clean!!

    Going to take it easy tomorrow, as it sounds to be even hotter than today.
  • Carob works on the principle that, when mixed with the right combination of fats and sugar, it can duplicate chocolate in colour and texture. Of course, the same can be said of dirt. (Sandra Boynton)

    I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food. (W C Fields)

    Food is an important part of a balanced diet. (Fran Lebowitz)

    I’m in shape. Round is a shape.