Hi everyone.Nest empty at the moment. So not a lot happening on camera. Can't believe the time has peregrined to after 2am in these parts. So I'm away to roost. Catch you all later :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Goodnight Cirrus. A cicada indeed. Just did a quick Google Images search. Lovely creatures. I really hope that our Scottish insects aren't taking to disguising themselves as cicadas in order to avoid detection.Have a wonderful holiday, Emma. :-) Goodnight.Not much has happend on the nest in the last hour or so. Oh bright distant light has just started posting in the to left corner from the viewer's perspective. Now it appears to have stopped. Hmm.
Thanks Paul aka Heron77. I notice you are often late to roost - like myself. Hope there is plenty of activity to keep your interest going in the next few weeks. Signing off now. All the best. EP.
Starting new thread.
Thank you for that detailed reply. Looks simple .Ha, Ha !! I shall try next time. Now.....wonder if I can print it off...........?? Don't panic, folks! Trial run. Pinkies arriving last autumn.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
Good afternoon all just got back from hairdresser. Logged on to be greeted by an empty nest and an eerie silence but can see the family have been around. A fish going begging on tne nest again just shows how well fed the three youngsters are. Wonder if they will try and fish soon.
Thanks to all who post such wonderful capture pics it will be so good to look back over these when we are bereft of ospreys.
My thanks to original goldfinch for the flower pic, Brenda H, Lindybird and Cirrus for your kind thoughts. If I have missed anyone out apologies but not had a lot to time to look in so far today. I am feeling a lot better today although I could not face food last evening. Ended up having some dry toast and drinking lemonade as I find this does help. Was pleased I could get to the hairdresser as hair had got really out of control and as we are on holiday in just over four weeks it gives it time to settle down. I have a light perm as I as I was at the back of the queue when curls were handed out.
Quietwoman sorry to read about your harvest hope it is not too bad and I love the photo of the pinkies.
Just caught a quick glimpse of one of the youngsters. Looked like Titch calling for fish.
Put this on to redirect anyone else.....