Continued from Manton Bay – May 2020
The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here
The season so far: The resident pair both returned on 16 March - Blue 33(11) at 07:12 and Maya at 13:16. For the second consecutive year, Maya laid four eggs – the first on 29 March followed by another three first seen on 4, 6 and 9 April. Maya and Blue 33(11) faithfully incubated the four eggs and on day 38, the first chick hatched 6 May c13:20 followed by Chick #2 on 8 May c06:10, Chick #3 on 10 May c14:45, and Chick #4 on 13 May c20:45.
All four chicks have thrived under the protection of Maya and Blue 33(11) who has once again proved to be a fantastic provider for his family.
In two/three week’s time, the chicks will be ringed and we’ll learn a bit more about them.
Webcam\Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
Maya finishes feeding and all eyes on her as she flies off
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
15:52 33 arrives and grabs the left over fish
Doesn't stay but flies off with the fish
Maya feeding the juvies\chicks again
Many thanks for the updates - so relieved 082 made it back to the nest!
Well done, Patily, on your vid - super!
16:42 B33 back with a fish (possibly the same one?) Notice he has a displaced feather
Maya takes the fish and begins feeding
17:55 Maya feeding 083, 080 at the back close to Maya, 081 front, 082 back right
17:08 081 having a top up
Time to cook my dinner. BFN
17:41 Just checked in to see B33 and Maya defending the nest
17:43 All appears calm now
Catch up...
19:17 B33 arrived with a fish
He flew off leaving Maya in charge of the fish
19:33 L-R 082, 081 (front), 080 (back) and 083 being fed
19:37 Same positions
20:11 080 had gone for a fly around. 082 (back left), 083 (lying down) and 081 (self feeding)
20:25 080 returned, showing interest in the fish
20:29 080 takes the fish easily as 081 had had his fill
20:32 080 (right) couldn't have been hungry as he walked away from the fish
20:35 080 had flown from the nest
20:37 082 took charge of the fish, self feeding. 083 lying down, 081 front
20:50 082 (left), 083 (back, centre) 081
20:52 083 (left) had got up to do a PS and lost his central position to 082
21:03 080 returned
21:04 Settled down between 082 and 081