Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 May 2020


I hope everyone has a good and safe week. 

  • I can't resist teasing LINDA with this quote

    My parents told me “You watch too much TV and should try reading more!” So I turned on the subtitles.

  • Good Morning. Struggling to get on here again.
  • Using my mobile as for some reason my tablet has probs connecting to the WiFi.

    Sunny again here, with clouds moving across.

    AQ-- LOL!! Nice that you could go & see your daughter.

    OG - I don't like the glace cherries in the salad much: to me they should be in a fruit salad instead. But they only include a couple of halves, so I leave my OH to eat them. The salad comes from a local shop, renowned for its delicatessen.

    OH has gone off to play a four at golf, the 1st time recently, as at 1st they were only allowed to play in a pair.

  • Good morning from Sunny Suffolk.I hope all are fit and well.

    Yesterday, for the first time since lockdown, I met up with 6 friends. We had a socially distanced picnic on the beach at Aldeburgh and then walk along path to Thorpeness. We stopped for a cuppa and then waked back again. It felt so good to out and talking to real people and not a face on a screen.

    My watch tells me I walked a total of 6 miles yesterday and did 130 minutes of aerobic exercise so feel very virtuous today. It was very windy so we did not notice the sun and I came back with a very red face and a white mark in the shape of the cross that I wear around my neck Slight smile

    Have a good day all.

  • We have now rebooked our cruise till April 2021. So it is like being back to square 1 almost. We first booked our August cruise last August so a year before our holiday, Now we are 10 months away from our newly booked holiday!!!

    Much cooler today, so we won't be suffering from sunburn and feeling drained and 18 holes of golf will be more manageable We Scots and many English too, can't tolerate too much heat and nor can Benson!!!
  • Still very warm, here. I've been doing housework, and am now in the cool sitting room again.

    OG, The holiday I was trying to rebook was for this September, as we'd decided to go to Crete. We went there years ago, when first we began to take holidays without our children. It's such large island that we only explored one end of it, and hoped to return to see the other, which includes many ancient temples, etc. But now we may have to shelve the whole idea, for now. at least.

    The cruise we booked with Sue was to see the Norwegian coast, and we booked amidst many jokes, as at the time it was almost two years away, for May 2021. I said that at least it would be something to spend a long time looking forward to. Now it seems to be a blessing, as at present, there is still a possibility of our going, but we shall have to see.

    I hope you can now look forward to yours, Dibnlib.

  • It is wet a nd cool here, like DIBNLIB and Benson I think it is a blessed relief!
    HARELADY - so good that you could get out, walk, also enjoy real company ! I feel the same about you, PAT, could picture you out on the course and feeling tired at the end of it all!
    AQ/LINDY - I had to laugh about both salad and subtitles! My OH used to say ' I am not a rabbit'. And LINDY - are those cherries glace or the sort of cherries that used to be described as maraschino? I think of glace cherries as being sugary and sticky.
    ANNETTE /DIANE - I think that awful things have been happening, but what was all that about clutching a bible ?
    OG - good that you are pleased with the garden. I am not too happy with my grass. My eldest son in law bought me feed stuff but got the wrong thing. I will have to look online....He is not a gardener!

    My nephew's condition is improving. He is in the respiratory ward now, no Covid 19. However,as a background to this current chest infection, he is obese, has type 2 diabetes and COPD,. They are trying to wean him off the CPAP with oxygen and get him back on to his normal CPAP machine. I'll hear more this evening.
  • Morning all:  I couldn't get on the site last evening either..... I saw a post on another thread recently that asked if we could expect the site to be slow, given that it would soon be the beginning of a new month....  not sure why that would be unless they do maintenance or something.

    OG:  Nothing happening around here other than peaceful demonstrations.  Someone on the TV last night noted that the makeup of those protesting is much more diverse, which I guess is encouraging.  Then there are the white supremacists and plain old criminals.who rush in to push their own agendas.  It's a deeply entrenched problem that's only been exacerbated after four years of an unabashed racist in the White House. preceded by eight years of a Senate whose leader (the ungodly Mitch McConnell) stated openly he wasn't going to work with the country's first black president.  As you sow, so shall ye reap...  End of rant.

    Heather:   The Bible?  OMG. Don't ask. I closeted myself in my room and did some yoga during the news. The man's a (insert every really naughty word that ever was invented here!) moron. Good that your nephew is better, but still a long way to go from the sounds of it.

    AQ/Lindybird:  I don't mind subtitles and must confess I turn them on more often than not these days, especially with Brit shows.  Brits tend to speak much more quickly than Americans.  (I remember as a child when we spoke to my mother's U.S. friend on the phone, we'd hang up and marvel at how slowly she spoke.)  So that, combined with some regional Brit accents that I don't hear that often and random whispers and mumbles, has me resorting to subtitles.

    Harelady: That was a good walk.  But Aldeburgh!  I'm jealous.  I have three small framed paintings of the seafront behind my desk to remind me of the few days I spent there with my sister some years back.  

    To end on a good note, went for a walk along the bluffs yesterday and there was the osprey on his favorite branch, working his way through a good-sized fish.  :-)

  • What a wonderful sight Annette.

    Without getting too political which I usually avoid, I understand that right after saying that all the State Governors should use all the force they could muster to squash all dissension, The Orange Menace then crossed the road to a famous & historic church on order to stand in front of it, clutching a bible in an obvious case of making it a photo opportunity with the forthcoming election in mind.

    Since then people have stood on the same spot with placards saying Shame on You, and Joe Biden made a very good speech this lunchtime, saying "It's a pity that although he likes being photographed with a bible, he never opens it & reads it - inside it says "Love One Another."