Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy, safe week!

  • We were three pages back, so thought I would bump us up before the night shift appear. No brains working now, so will just add to the 'going out clothes' conversation. Shorts are not a good look for me (pear shaped), so like Heather, have not worn them for ages.
  • I’ve been out again! To local library for my “click & collect” books from side door. Several others getting their “fix”. I’ve put the books into quarantine for a few days. Washing done as it is a lovely sunny breezy day before a week of rain. Of course as I have washing on the line, the Grand Design workmen have turned up today after days of quiet. The roof is going on. Dark grey.
  • Just a thought
    Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.
    If you aren’t grateful for what you already have,
    what makes you think you would be happy with more. {Roy T. Bennett)

  • Hallo all;   May Gray has arrived late, but I'm happy.

    AQ: I e-mailed our library and they're planning on opening in the next few weeks but with curbside service only. They are being very cautious.

    Got some mulch for the garden this afternoon; it's still in the back of my car......

    Take care everyone.

  • ANNETTE - Only local council libraries are sort-of open here. However our State Library, a reference library, the biggest library, is not opening until 9 June. For the last year or two, it has rarely been busy since so much info is available on line. I wonder how the staff are spending their days. . .

  • Good Morning. Sunny again! We will talk about this weather pattern in the UK, in years to come.

    I wear shorts, not short ones, on holiday, but never at home. Occasionally will in Wales if there's a heatwave. Here, I wear T shirts & loose tops, with cut off or three quarter trousers. I've still got a waistline, whatever I weigh, but when heavy (such as now) there is just too much of me all over ;-)

    The relaxing of the measures is welcome, but it will not help us see our grandchildren as we can't "pop in" to see them without needing to go inside for the loo etc. (They're too far away) and it's our opinion that our grandchildren themselves could actually be dangerous to us, as they may be carriers.
  • Dibnlib: I have no eyebrows at all  now, which is quite scary- won't even answer the door without any! Paint mine on with a soft pencil from Avon, now only available online so I buy 6 at once.

  • Went to buy new potatoes yesterday from a Farm Shop - we parked behind the barn and in the field there were two horses with foals.

  • Hope the potatoes were good, Lindy. Personally, I prefer the horses! And the goats, of course, but you don't often see them showjumping … I am not going to get my annual fix fo showjumping at Hickstead, sadly, as it is one of many things to have been cancelled.

    The easing of lockdown will help those who have been visiting each others gardens to become legal - I imagine there will be lots of noisy barbecues over the coming few days! But as with Lindy visiting grandchildren, it won't help me visit my great-nephew and the rest of my family in Somerset. It's 140 miles each way, so can't be done in a day - and certainly not without a loo! We'll have to keep relying on Zoom chats for a while yet.