Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy, safe week!

  • Hope your daughter is recovered now, Lynette, and enjoyed her birthday.
  • Annette no tip as I had to hoover up the hair Sadly he didn’t ask me if I needed a coffee . The all round blunder he didn’t ask me where I was going on holiday :-))
  • Lynette: So nice that you got to celebrate daughter's birthday.  I do hope things have settled down at her hospital...

    AQ:  We haven't heard about the insulin, but then we race for the mute button when any newscaster threatens to mention him.  I think anti-psychotics might work - at least, combined with cognitive therapy, although I gather narcissism is very hard to treat.  How about a medically induced coma?  For - oh - about a decade?   Condolences(?) on having OH around for lunch.  What was that marriage vow?  We marry for better or worse, but not for lunch?

    Wendyb:  No no - the ultimate blunder is not to ask if you want a glass of wine.  (My former hairdresser in Long Beach used to have chilled bottles in his fridge for frazzled people who rushed in after work and collapsed in his chair. I typically declined as I still had to drive home, but it sure was tempting.)

    Too bad the SpaceX flight got scrubbed, but it's scheduled again for Saturday.

    Oh yes, bought two pairs of neighbor-friendly shorts online from the place I bought the first pair the other week. They arrived today and BOTH FIT,  look HALFWAY DECENT and were ON SALE!  Amazing. 

  • ANNETTE - The word OH muttered began with cy and ended with ide.

    Lazy tea tonight - some precooked chicken, noodles and a jar of "pasta sauce". Should be enough for a second meal in a day or two.

  • Good Morning. Sunny again!

    Wendy, that's a decent cut! (Mine is now looking wild & woolly) Well done that man!

    AQ - I missed your quotes as I only popped in last night. Love the lettuce one - my OH doesn't touch lettuce, so if I buy one only a few leaves get eaten before I throw it out. I sometimes buy those packets of ready washed leaves, but those go off as soon as you open the packet so are only good for two days.

    Annette - Good news about the shorts. I know you don't like buying them online usually.

    I could suggest several medications for the Orange Menace, but strong sedatives head the list, so that as soon as he appears on our screens we don't have to say with a sigh "What's he done now??!!"

  • Enjoyed a home made fish pie last night - no prawns, as neither of us like seafood, but a good mix of cod, smoked fish & salmon pieces. The bathroom scales now glower at me from in the corner, saying "Why are you neglecting me?" but I don't much like the conversation with them when I do try them out.
  • Good morning from a sunny Suffolk - its a bit cooler here than inland but should get to 17 degrees later.

    Wendy I'm very impressed with your haircut - no need for hairdressers any more now.

    Won't discuss the DC issue as I am already on tablets for my blood pressure and have already got myself worked up after listening to Matt Hancock on Radio 4 this morning.

    Waiting for our 3 week update tonight to see if I can see my Children and Grandchildren - although they appear to be back tracking on mid June in case it makes numbers go up.

    The good people of USA must feel the same with their local idiot. Read today their figure has passed 100k deaths, so very sad - guess it wasn't a hoax then...Both our Governments should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for not acting quickly enough to save lives.

    I'm off to get some petrol today - first time I have filled up since before the lockdown on 23rd March - then picking up some plants from a very small nursery near me.

    Enjoy the sunshine all that have it and take care.

  • Hot and sunny here. OH outside mowing before 9:30 don't know what else he's doing, but there can't be anything left to mow!

  • Hello all
    LYNETTE - Good to hear that your daughter in law is recovering -
    Nice to see you HARELADY. It seems as though I will be able to see one family at a time in the garden and no touching, according to Nicola! I hope that you will be able to see family soon.
    ANNETTE - I don't possess any shorts nowadays but my friend in Wales, who is several years older than I am, wears the teeniest shorts that barely cover her bottom! She thinks nothing of going out and about wearing them .Brave lady, I say but it's not for me...
    I have been working in the garden and am quite tired so will stop now. I'm so sorry for missing replies.
  • I only wore a smarter pair of trousers and top and pencilled in my eyebrows. My eyebrows are so fair that they are invisible.