Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and healthy week! And, I hope your weather is warmer than it is here! I had thick frost last night.


I'm editing my post to add this link. 

I have these Carolina Wrens on my patch all year long. I also have House Wrens in the summer and Winter Wrens in the winter. Many of the wren pairs build multiple nests. I have wren nests everywhere this time of year. My parents and my ancestors all revered wrens and built houses for them. I can't dig down into the earth anywhere without finding fragments of wren houses.

  • Oh, and this morning our bell rang, and I went to the front door in time to see a white van disappearing. On the ground was a large, heavy paper bag. I said to my OH "I think it's potatoes!" But I hadn't ordered any.

    I rang the lady next door and they weren't for her. I went on our local F.Book site and put "Has anyone ordered potatoes and they haven't arrived? - if you can describe the size of the bag, they are here for you!" Within two minutes a woman claimed them, saying it was a large half bag. She came to collect them within five minutes! They only live five doors away, with a similar house number.
  • Went to local garden centre yesterday and today have planted up flowers we bought. We had gift vouchers from nearly 2 years ago so have spent it all on some lovely plants. Been a sunny but chilly day again.

    Love rhododendrons Lindy and the poppy! beautiful. Thanks for the cheery pics.
  • Beautiful flowers LINDA. I am so jealous. Potato lady was lucky – some nasty people would have kept them. We have thieves watching for couriers who leave parcels beside front doors, They are not bothered by CCTV.

    HEATHER – I understand that any window overlooking a property cannot have clear glass. Very quiet on site today – early weekend?

    ANNETTE – Our state’s beaches did not close, though warnings for 1.5 m distancing. Eastern states opened and closed depending on crowd behaviour. Open for swimming & exercise only. No sunbaking. I’m not sure what’s what where now with restrictions – I am just keeping up with our state.

    Three weeks now with only one new case in SA. Our state borders are still closed unless traveller isolates for 14 days. Much angst as footballers thought they could fly in-fly out to play interstate matches without quarantine. I know they are paid so much that they think they are above us mere mortals, but . . .

    Chilly again this morn. Down to 5.2 C at 5 am at nearby airport. I was unaware, snug under my doona.

  • Just a thought
    Friendship is like a sheltering tree. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834))
  • Evening all:  Had a wonderful night's sleep last night and a nice nap in the garden after lunch plus put a new fill valve in OH's bathroom toilet (hurray for how-to- videos), so am feeling pretty good this evening. :-))

    OG:  Rio is a great name; Ozzie was always called Ozzie and daughter decided not to confuse him with a new oe.

    AQ:  Didn't realize your state had closed its borders - that's brilliant.  I wonder how they're implementing that.

    I'm tempted to have a second small helping of ice cream......

  • ANNETTE - Although SA has some 500 border crossings, most are back roads & unsealed dirt tracks. Police are manning main entry points from WA, NT, NSW & Victoria. Many people (eg Riverland, Naracoorte & Mt Gambier) live in one state, work in other, thus essential workers are permitted to cross. Otherwise names & addresses are taken and police visit to check people are isolating for 14 days. Likewise visit the few coming in by plane. WA not only closed its border but created internal borders to further restrict travel. Some states and some people don’t “get it”. eg today, news of a care worker in QLD nursing home just tested positive after going to work with mild symptoms since 3 May. How thoughtless. Extensive testing of 115 in care and 180 staff underway.

    Ice cream? Only if I can have some too!

  • LOL! AQ!

    Good Morning All. Cloudy here and about 6 degrees. We've been given leave to go to garden centres since last Wednesday, but I was not going to try it on the 1st few busy days. I will go sometime, as I want some fuchsias for trailing down the sides of tubs.

    A nice chat to one or two neighbours last night, during turning out to Clap. Told them the tale of the potatoes, which incidentally, were huge - said that we had been looking forward to making them into huge chips!

    Must get going as need to be early to go to the shop.
  • And the Roses over our pergola, which my OH loves. They only have a very faint perfume, but are so pretty.