Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and healthy week! And, I hope your weather is warmer than it is here! I had thick frost last night.


I'm editing my post to add this link. 

I have these Carolina Wrens on my patch all year long. I also have House Wrens in the summer and Winter Wrens in the winter. Many of the wren pairs build multiple nests. I have wren nests everywhere this time of year. My parents and my ancestors all revered wrens and built houses for them. I can't dig down into the earth anywhere without finding fragments of wren houses.

  • PAT O Bigger than a Great Dane then. Poppy is the families 3rd Dane and she is black, The first was Louis and he was a beautiful silver blue and Cassie was a harlequin. Before that they had 2 x Japanese Akita. They really like their big big dogs.
  • The poppy which opened the other day. Its gorgeously silky.

  • Thanks LINDY for the flowers, they are beautiful x
    AQ - that is some house, I also wondered about car parking... It does seem way too big for the plot of land as you describe. I'm glad that there are no windows overlooking you.
    ANNETTE - I heard on the radio, about the relaxing of lockdown in some parts of California. Did I hear right that LA is an exception? And beaches can be walked on but not sat upon?

    It is bright here but a cool wind. I've pulled a few weeds but there are many more.

    Thanks to all for your news!
  • Not a bad day, but a bit more cloud. Only all the usual stuff happening here.

    Lovely flowers LINDA - especially the Poppies.
  • Lovely flowers Lindy. Your poppies are blooming earlier than the ones here. I was thinking ours were a bit late this year.
  • Morning all:

    Diane: I hope the library has the multiple hand sanitizer stations secured so they can't walk off. I assumed a library would have to quarantine books.  Our library still isn't opened, though the main Santa Barbara library is doing picked up and mailing from what I remember.

    Lindybird:  Isn't it you who also has peonies?  Lovely pix!

    Heather:  Yes, LA is still on stay-at-home due to millions of people in comparatively small area and still-climbing numbers of cases.  Beaches are open; not sure what the local ordinances call for.   It seems to vary but our local beaches were never closed - there was one incidence of people jamming Butterfly Beach but they got very bad press and the following weekend it was a much smaller crowd (and sheriffs were more in evidence too), but generally no problems up here.  Puttered by our local supermarket yesterday with mask, etc., and came across a guy with no PPE. The masked lady in front of me told him he needed to wear one and his response was "My body; my decision." Not so, said the manager who appeared, 'it's a city ordinance that everyone has to wear one when they enter a store."  I still think they should send all these arrogant twits to one state....

    Daughter's new dog Ozzie has settled in nicely and is losing weight - a very good thing in this case.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • ANNETTE - Grandson#2 and wife have just adopted their first rescue Dog - mostly Collie but other things too, including possible German Shepherd as an explanation of his part-brindle colouration. Calling him Rio, about one year old so they are hoping he will be young enough to train to their liking. Pleased to read that Ozzie is settling in well.

    Sun came through brilliantly this afternoon, but still a bit chilly - think we were all spoilt by the weather the past two weeks or more!
  • Thanks for interesting posts. Glad to hear that Ozzie is settling in. Yes, we have peonies, which are growing nicely fat buds at the moment.

    My OH was thrilled to gain access to the Tip this morning - organised by the numbers on your number plate - odd numbers one day, even the next.

    I've been trying to sort out my cleaning cupboard, which has enough sprays, dusters and old cloths to open a stall of my own! Some have gone in the bin, some are lined up in order to use up. Washed my dusters & polishers and got them on the line, so have a halo on, but glad that no one has seen the state of the cupboard before I began!!