Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and healthy week! And, I hope your weather is warmer than it is here! I had thick frost last night.


I'm editing my post to add this link. 

I have these Carolina Wrens on my patch all year long. I also have House Wrens in the summer and Winter Wrens in the winter. Many of the wren pairs build multiple nests. I have wren nests everywhere this time of year. My parents and my ancestors all revered wrens and built houses for them. I can't dig down into the earth anywhere without finding fragments of wren houses.

  • I am late checking in today. Food shop (just one week’s worth), wiped & put all away, washed bags, Dau phoned with hints for twins’ birthday gifts and then it was lunchtime already. Besides the usual Wed oldies there for pension discount day, there were a number of young (to me) men wandering. Dau laughed and said that their wives are essential workers, husbands working from home have been given shopping tasks. I drove long way home to view Grand Design from street behind. Roof will be black flat iron, bricks are 2 shades of pink. House looks massive; it should have wide lawns surrounding, not crammed on a normal house block.
  • Just a thought
    It's the little blessings that help us to see, just how lovely life can be.
  • AQ; That doesn't sound very attractive. You will have to take pix for us. :-)

    Was busy today - and what a lovely spring day it was....

    Take care all.
  • Glad you've enjoyed your spring day, Annette.

    Good Morning. It began cloudy here, but is brightening up, now. My OH is brightening up, too, as he's off to play golf for the 1st time in weeks!!

    AQ - We are all agog about the dwelling being built. It seems that everyone is so keen to have lots of inside space these days, they're happy to sacrifice some garden to get it. Not as attractive to be a neighbour, though, to something which dominates!

    Off to wash my lengthening locks!
  • I just found a quote I had put by, to reread later: it seems apt in some way today.

    "I always imagined when I was a kid that adults had some kind of inner toolbox full of shiny tools: the saw of discernment, the hammer of wisdom, the sandpaper of patience. But then when I grew up I found that life handed you these rusty bent old tools - friendships, prayer, conscience, honesty -- and said 'Do the best you can with these, they will have to do.' And mostly, against all odds, they're enough."

    From Travelling Mercies by Anne Lamott, U.S. writer.

  • Don't know if our US friends will know the writer. I've not Googled her.

    The sun is out here, and I'm about to put my sheets on the line. I am writing to the local Council because yet again, a parcel I ordered has not arrived and I suspect that some of the ones which have disappeared en route in the last couple of years are because of the bad signage here - our road sign is placed on the main road junction, as if that is the road, not this one! Its obviously been there for many years and no one else has got around to complaining, but I do wonder sometimes how inconvenient it is for those who do not know the town.
  • What a nuisance LINDY. Hope things get sorted.

    We are not long back from a walk were we passed 10 mins with a chap we occasionally used to see in the woods walking his Great Dane. Sadly "Cassie " was put to sleep in August. She was 11 which I think is a great age for a Dane. Today he was giving "Poppy" her exercise. Poppy is also a Great Dane and at 16 weeks old is already Labrador sized!!!
  • I've been cut off the internet again twice today, so hope that Virgin can get their act together soon.

    Just been listening to baby Rosie gurgling to me down the phone. She is doing well and its not as obvious now that she was rather a premature baby.

    Dibnlib, that's a nice story that they have Poppy now, after looking after their other Great Dane so well for so long. It sounds like a good age to me.