Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and healthy week! And, I hope your weather is warmer than it is here! I had thick frost last night.


I'm editing my post to add this link. 

I have these Carolina Wrens on my patch all year long. I also have House Wrens in the summer and Winter Wrens in the winter. Many of the wren pairs build multiple nests. I have wren nests everywhere this time of year. My parents and my ancestors all revered wrens and built houses for them. I can't dig down into the earth anywhere without finding fragments of wren houses.

  • Poor Benson - I'm sure he hated the hail, as he doesn't even like rain!
  • PAT - I have found the Central Hall service on YouTube. I was raised as a Methodist so will look forward to watching it :-)
  • I'm sure you will enjoy it, Heather! I've heard Martyn Atkins preach a few times - he never disappoints! And the hymns were good as well.
  • LINDA – Beautiful clematis.

    ROSY – Only 2 of my 3 tulip bulbs survived to flower, yellow and pink. I intended to get more this year & a variety of colours but it is not important enough to visit nursery/hardware store. Next year.

    Sun is shining, washing is hanging, Grand Design is offering banging noises but no visible progress, weeds are waiting for me. Cafes are open from today for outdoor dining (brrr, the wind is chilly), serving max of 10, no alcohol. OH is desperate for a lunch out but not under those conditions, nor is he interested in those places offering takeaway meals. Fusspot, he will have to make do with what I provide.

    Collecting seeds from rare pine in Tassie.

    HEATHER – Hm, I have been confusing! OH’s vest is sleeveless with buttons as pattern photo. However I also use the term vest for the sleeveless buttonless tops I knit for Little People (adapted from right-hand pic). Hurray for Patons pattern books.

  • Just a thought
    Special people overlook your broken gate and admire the flowers in your garden. (Anon)
  • Evening all:  Much cooler here today too; in fact I have my Ugh knock-off slippers on tonight.  

    Diane: Thanks for the reminder about the 'posh' links. I've copied/pasted your directions onto a sticky note on my desktop.  Glad the mystery critter is still hanging in there.

    PatO;  I was listening to the BBC today and they were discussing Boris's speech, which - from the sound of it - was pretty ambiguous.......

    AQ: From the photo, I'd say the guy is wearing a pullover, but what the kiddie on the right is wearing (sleeveless or not), I'd call a sweater (here in the States) but it might be called a jumper in the UK.  Maybe we'll get more clarification - or more confused - tomorrow when others have a change to weigh in.

    Spoke to my sister in Lincolnshire today.  All well there, except BiL was checking something in the attic and set off their fire alarm which, unbeknownst or at least forgotten by him - automatically summoned the fire department to their front door.  Sister said they heard the truck, saw the flashing lights outside and wondered what was going on.  It must've been the most excitement that village has seen in decades.  :-))    

    Take care all.

  • ANNETTE - His is perhaps a sleeveless cardigan. Child in pic is wearing a jumper. I haven’t heard pullover since I was a kid. Aussies don’t use sweater, not in my hearing. Different languages! I am reasonably familiar with English English and American English from the books I read.

  • I would call the adult version a waistcoat and the child a jumper. To me, a vest is an undergarment, just as pants are!
  • To me (and OH) a waistcoat is woven cloth not knitted. And don't get me started on pants!!! Slacks or pants or trousers are outer wear Yet pants, along with knickers or the myriad of other terms are under ware. No wonder migrants have trouble with English.

    I have been popular today. 2 phone calls and a visit from friend to drop off some books.
  • Good Morning. Bright sun here, but my tablet says it's only 4 degrees, and will feel like 1 degree if you go out. My OH has been out with Bonnie and confirms it's cold.

    I had confused dreams after having a long talk with my son last night: we seemed to be on holiday in the dream, but had Christmas presents under the bed, which turned out to be someone else's!

    Must attack the ironing pile today as its been growing ferociously since I spent so much time in the garden lately. Also have been washing china ornaments in the kitchen which look worse than just dusty.

    I would call that garment a sleeveless pullover. Once I worked for a boss who said "I see you're wearing your woolover today!"