The sadness of Monty's failure to return has been somewhat mitigated by Idris's almost seamless takeover as Telyn's partner.

They have 3 eggs:

Egg #1 ~ 17 April @ 05:58

Egg #2 ~ 20 April @ 01:40

Egg #3 ~ 22 April @ 22:56

Dyfi's usual ultra-wonderful coverage of the nest has been dimmed by (1) coronavirus restrictions and (2) laptop failure, a refurb has taken over.  We are grateful for what we are getting, in the circumstances.


LIMPY's coverage of the first 4 days of the month commenced HERE.

  • Thank you for that, LAM Slight smile

    The other thing bugging me for the past few days (besides a May thread for Dyfi) was that we don't have an "OSPREY CHAT" thread where we can air various concerns/thoughts/reports etc that don't belong in any existing thread.

    I shall start one now...

  • Unknown said:
    Thanks, everyone, for the pics and posts and thanks, Scylla, for the new thread. I was worried about Monty from last autumn. If I remember rightly, he did not stick around to feed up and preen like he usually did after the last chick had left, and he seemed a bit haggard. It was very late in the season when Berthyn finally left, and Monty's urge to migrate must have been stronger than the urge to feed up. I'm afraid he may have given his life for his big girl.. However, I hope that Idris actually is a much younger male and will, with luck, be able to remain fit if one of this year's chicks hangs around far too long before migrating. I say that because Telyn (when she was only known as chick 3J at Manton Bay) did exactly the same thing to her Dad, 5R, by staying far later than she should have and by screaming constantly and loudly for food. That strategy makes for a strong young female juvie, but seems to take its toll on the Dad. 5R did not return in 2014--Telyn hatched in 2013.

    Great post, GB - it's reminded me of things I shouldn't have forgotten and informed me of something I didn't know :-*

  • Breaking news Dinas KS6 (18) spotted in the UK.

    Dyfi Osprey Project



    He's Telyn's first son (2018) and he's just made it back to the UK for the first time as an adult. He's in Hampshire at the moment.

    More when we get it.




  • Oh what FANTASTIC news Colin!!!!!!!! BRILLIANT!

    Thank you so much Thumbsup

  • Fabulous news--Thanks, Colin!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:

    Thank you for that fantastic news, COLIN !!! !!! !!! Heart eyes

    Congratulations to Telyn - and (((Monty)))

  • Tuesday 05 May

    Idris with the tea/suppertime fish:

    He gave this much to Telyn:

    She was quite watchful while eating and flew back to the nest before finishing it:

    An undisturbed night, as far as I can tell.

    Wednesday 06 May

    Around 06:30 Idris brought Telyn a fish but she didn't want it, so he took it out to Monty's perch*:

    A bit later, Telyn reacted to an intruder sitting still near Idris, who seemed oblivious, and gave chase - then Idris joined in and the intruder flew off low to the right:

    Idris was soon back, flying to the high perch:

    Telyn was gone longer, returned to nest:

    Idris brought back the fish for Telyn but she flew up to the perch for a preen:

    Instead of incubating, Idris floated off to Monty's perch with it - a good portion, too:

    Telyn returned to the nest.

    Then she flew and there was no parent in sight - it seemed there must have been an intrusion of some kind... both were in and out, it's very confusing in the morning light:

    All I can say is: normality restored?

  • tt

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • aa

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Magical moments
    ThAnkyou madeline