Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week!

  • bjane: I thought only my state was that backward. Wow.

  • Annette, you certainly did your good deed for the day!. I also hope that you do not suffer from any after effects.

    I planted some sunflowers in the garden today, that I had grown from seed on my balcony. I thought that they would be a conversation piece! They are meant to be giant ones, but will have to see how they turn out.

    We had our social distanced get together in the garden this evening , as I think the weather is changing for all of us tomorrow.

    Thanks to all for news, and to AQ for the daily quotes.
  • We have the choice of two kinds of satellite TV, or just the Freeview service, or cable TV - Virgin Media here. We ourselves have taken advantage of Virgins package including fast Broadband, mainline telephone, and TV service. We resisted their offers of including our mobile phones, too! We don't get a choice of Water company, but CAN choose an energy supplier. We only changed a few years ago, because a lot of local people were told we could get a good deal from a particular company: our bills were low, but then shortly after, they went bust! Since then, we were taken over, then taken over again. At times I forgot which company we were with. Lots of them have been very insistent that we have to have a smart meter - we resisted this for years, then when one company threatened to cut us off unless we complied, we gave in, they installed it: then their company was taken over. So now we have something which may not be compatible with the new company ! Bah!

    We had a nice bit of roast beef tonight and enjoyed some Spanish strawberries afterwards. We've seen lots of photos of various members of the family enjoying their feasts outdoors yesterday - one family even shared (at a distance) an Italian themed afternoon tea!!
  • Rosy, you came on whilst I was typing. I hope your sunflowers are successful, it'll be fun to see how big they become!
  • Before I go, I must say Happy Mothers Day to both our friends in the USA, and to AQ down under, as I believe they're having their day on Sunday (which in AQs case has already gone!)