First day of a new month tomorrow - will the forums be incredibly slow?

Since the turn of the year the forums have been incredibly slow on the first day of each month (January to April). Will this trend continue tomorrow on the first day of May?  Answers on a postcard please. Ian

  • I'm rather annoyed with myself because when there was a recent previous glitch it gave an email address to contact the web team. Unfortunately, I didn't make a note of it which might have been useful to alert them directly.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Whatever happens, I appeal to all who post on these community forum threads, please, please, please do not leave in disgust but stick it out and keep posting! If this community forum is as low a priority with the RSPB as I suspect it is, then people leaving will only play into the hands of anyone in authority in the RSPB who wishes to cancel this forum altogether to do exactly that! Yes, we would like explanations and we would definitely like things to improve, but it may not happen and we may simply need to put up with the annoyance. Well, that's my opinion for what it is worth! And if you decide to leave anyway, well, I would miss all of you very much!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Time to have a couple of days off from here I think.

    It just took 10 mins to post news about the death of the Foulshaw Moss chick.

    Hopefully the site will improve by the weekend.

    Richard B

  • I have tried on and off today but it's just so annoying the length of time for opening threads and trying to post. If there was some sort of explanation I could forgive, but I won't be trying again today or any day that it's slow when I login in the morning :(
  • Approx 21.20, the site seems more like normal speed now, like Ann I do hope people don't give up but also like Robbo I believe the site is not fit for purpose (& that is a phrase I normally dislike). Ian

  • TEEJAY - I have often seen "" or "" ??? when there's been a glitch.

    EDIT - I just got this in Edge while trying to post in YD Kestrels:

    And yes... Why haven't they come here to explain?!  It's not as if they don't know - MIKE has been corresponding with "admin" for days!

    GARDENBIRDER - "we may simply need to put up with the annoyance."  I would find that less difficult if I were simply posting comments, but if we need to use the RF to post snaps and videos and get on to the next cam, it is absolutely soul-destroying.  One dare not refresh a page to see if an "event" has already been covered because that will take several minutes - then when one eventually completes a post in RF and one does find that it's already been covered, one looks like a very inattentive, inconsiderate, self-promoting poster.

    Having said that, I can't imagine giving up - I'll probably continue to annoy everyone with my whinges and excuses ;)

    After several hours of reporting on the evening/overnight Osprey cams (plus Yorkshire Dales Kestrels and Sydney White-bellied Sea Eagles, the latter having to be omitted in the end) I slept for 8+ hours solid, mentally and emotionally drained and physically exhausted.  And to add insult to injury, it doesn't look as tho one's done much at all  Smirk


  • At approximately 22:00... the site seems to have recovered !!!

    However, I have just reminded myself that the site was fine yesterday evening and proceeded to seize up overnight, it was in that state when I started posting some time after 03:00.  So we'll see...

  • Trouble-free posting up to 02:29. Tried to post again @ 03:06 and it was s-l-o-w.

    This page just took nearly 2 minutes to refresh.
  • And that took about 2 minutes to post in plain text.

    EDIT - 2 minutes for the edit box to open.

  • Thank you MC. That is most helpful.

    TO ALL.

    I have a telephone call scheduled for 11 30am today with the HODP. I have logged my attempts and yours will all be referred to.