Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week! 

I have a small natural sack hanging from a branch next to my front door. It feels like papery leather, and there's clearly something inside it, because it moves on its own! It's oddly heavy! I've been concerned that it may have been made by a swarm of wasps or a large bat. 

I think I've finally figured out what built it and is living in it. I believe it's a Cecropia moth, a giant silk moth. These are the largest moths in North America, and they can be more than 7 inches wide or 18 centimeters. They appear as big as a human hand. I hope I'm outdoors when the cocoon opens. 

Here's a photo showing what the cocoon looks like (mine is wider than this one): 

Cecropia Moth Cocoon
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

Here's a photo showing what the moth will look like, if that's what comes out:

Cecropia Moth, giant silk moth
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • Good Morning. Sunny here again. Thanks for that, AQ.

    Things are looking UP here, I feel much better. So I must get UP, to go shopping, before I lose my Get UP and Go!!!!

  • AQ - Enjoyed your UP post - UP my street as well, as I enjoy words!

    Glad people are feeling reasonably positive in these extraordinary times. Like most people, I have good days when I can look forward to the future, be peaceful in my surroundings and enjoy not being quite as driven by the clock! Other days are occasionally less positive - but I can cope! Today we have an open air keep fit session. We've been doing this for a couple of weeks now. Around ten of us waving our arms and legs around to quite unsuitable music - last time we had Bollywood, which really didn't work. Some disco stuff works quite well. But what we really need is a leader! At the moment we start following one person, who just does her own thing, but we need someone who will tell us what we are going to do, and make sure we do it. But it's fun, we are doing some sort of exercise - and we are laughing a lot, which is really important. In the absence of most 'social' things, this is probably the best we are going to get, so we are making the most of it.
  • Tomorrow is Anzac Day, probably the most important “holiday” in Aussieland. In normal times the old Diggers have a dawn service (Gallipoli landing was at dawn), followed by a mid-morning march. The rest of day spent at RSL & pubs with mates. Two-up is permitted on Anzac Day. This year so very different with social distancing. We are asked to stand at end of our driveway or on balcony at 5.55 am with a candle or torch. Many streets have someone to play the Last Post. The last few days serving Defence Force have been phoning old soldiers or widows for a chat.
  • ANNETTE - woops, sorry, did I go missing yesterday? No worries, all is well! Didn't do gardening yesterday - it became a sort of half-hearted cleaning day - nobody here to see the dust anyway! We also had some bank business to do online, but we did also take a stroll around the deck taking a few photos. Will wander around the rest of the garden tomorrow - that makes it sound huge, but for me deck means going out the back door walking, side garden means going out front door, down ramp and through garden gate in wheelchair then getting out to wander! OH had the hosepipe out for over an hour in the evening - apparently, we might get some wet stuff next Wednesday! Will be making second sowing of vegetables this weekend.
  • How's this for service from the NHS? My Orthopaedic Consultant phoned this morning to ask how I am!
  • Impressive, OG
    I'm enjoying reading all the news, Thank you everyone!
    I spent most of yesterday hosing my covered patio, sweeping leaves and washing the outside table and chairs. Went to bed with a sense of satisfaction but forgot to take the newly placed cushion off the bench which is also under cover. This morning I spotted my sworn enemy - the cat who runs into my house if she gets a chance. All curled up and asleep on the bench. These are indeed strange times. The milk of human kindness filled my veins and I couldn't bear to chase her away.... we seem to have agreed that we both need company.
  • AQ - I think it is wonderful that Gallipoli is commemorated in this way. I had a lump in my throat when I read your post x
  • Heather - You did quite right not to chase the cat away. Unlike dogs, cats always go where they know they will be welcome. So polish your halo - you have gained a new friend. And we all need friends right now like never before.

    OG - The NHS is really going over and above in all sorts of areas. I'm sure you feel duly pampered.

    Lovely sunny day here again. We have been so fortunate for almost every day since lockdown - the weather has been perfect. And it's still only April. Don't know about the rest of you, but I would have found things far more difficult to cope with in bad weather. I know the gardeners among you will be crying out for rain - but could we please have it overnight and keep the lovely weather during the day? That would please us all!!
  • OMG. I see the Great Orange Medical Expert has been speculating the possible injection of antiseptics as a cure for the virus, prompting Lysol to come out and say please don't inject any of our products!   On the other hand, I do wish he'd follow his own advice.....      Arghhh...

    Heather:  Well, that cat was obviously waiting for you to clean those cushions well enough for it to sit on.  

    OG:  Too hot here for much activity.  They said today would be the hottest of the week; now they're extending it through tomorrow.  

    AQ:  You followed mention of pubs on Anzac day with "Two up is permitted...."  Is that 2 drinks?  Or two or more people can gather?  Or two or more people can gather and have two or more drinks?  :-)   The latter sounds like fun.