Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy, all! 

Here's a fun new tool that NASA developed to amuse folks. If you put in the day and month of your birthday, NASA will show you what the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on your day!

  • DIBNLIB- would your chowder be anything like Cullen Skink ?
  • Oooh Just saw that SpaceX is planning the first manned flight to the ISS from the US in a decade on May 27. :-)
    That'll be a nail biter.
  • We love haddock. Have made a huge pan of beef stew with a few pieces of shin beef which I bought yesterday, with onions, stock and lots of tiny carrots added. My OH still waxes lyrical about his mother's legendary cooking, and sometimes I do try to recreate some of her offerings. She always cooked in vast quantities, as she had a big household, so it must have been quite a chore. However, she kept her husband and 4 children fed. And her two inlaws, both rather infirm. Plus at least two live in farmhands.....

    A sunny day here but a rather breezy wind which stopped us from sitting out for more than half an hour. Have done some armchair planning for the garden, and am now waiting impatiently for my orders for plants to arrive. Just off to Google Annettes plants.....
  • And I forgot - Captain Tom's marathon fundraiser made our news here last night. Lovely old guy!
  • Oh, they're pretty, Annette.  Wouldn't mind some of that - please send me a cutting!

  • Yes, Captain Tom is quite a character. Born in Yorkshire, but with lovely family values and an illustrious career behind him. There are lots of calls for him to be given a Knighthood, but it doesn't seem quite fair to me as lots of other people are doing lots of wonderful things at present, too.

    He adores the Royal Family so I think he would be quite happy to just have an invitation to take tea with H.Majesty.
  • Very sunny day chilly wind but it didn’t stop dogs sleeping in the garden on their outdoor beds.
    Love Captain Tom he has a lovely family supporting him. I gather this is all down to his new hip....
    Warning rant coming on.....

    Well daughter her staff and students have been offered Covid19 testing. So if they have a temperature or similar symptoms they are expected to drive to either Plymouth or Gatwick. They are based in Bournemouth .... grrr
    Not a journey I would want to undertake when feeling under the weather. They would need to use company car which would need sanitising before it was used again.
  • WENDY - absolutely stupid to have to travel that far for testing. What rationale is behind that? There has to be a testing station nearer...
    LINDY - I had to chuckle - my OH did the same. I often heard about the food his mother cooked on the farm. First breakfast, second breakfast, midday meal and so on! And yes, for the family and the farm workers. She made her own bread, butter as they all did and nobody made better dinners :-)
  • Heather no it’s either Gatwick ( Chessington World of Adventure) or Plymouth but I thought Devon wasn’t open to outsiders. She is close to main Bournemouth hospital where their have been many deaths.
    I think our leaders need a kick up the ......se!!!