Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy, all! 

Here's a fun new tool that NASA developed to amuse folks. If you put in the day and month of your birthday, NASA will show you what the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on your day!

  • OG Duke is fine ignored brekkie and didn’t have tea till 5..
    OH just sorted the garden out !!!
  • Just a thought 

    Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. (Doug Larson) 

    Maybe broccoli doesn’t like you either. 

    A vegetable-growing friend’s business has gone into liquidation. They make smoothies. 

    Anyone who thinks onions are the only vegetable that can make you cry has never dropped a turnip on their toe.

  • Unknown said:
    It’s a shame Just Giving is still greedily taking a percentage

    I got a shock when they added £3 to a £20 donation, it seems a very high percentage for running costs :(

    I probably shan't pop in again for another 5 years - seem to be in sixes 'n sevens this season, just can't get going with my "job".  I love to read all your daily goings-on :)

  • Good Morning. Thanks for all your interesting posts.  Glad you're better, OG. LOL AQ, yr quotes made us laugh out loud  alright!

    Getting up early to go out & do battle myself at s'market, myself - no chance of a "slot" for a home delivery here. Back on here later... have a good day All.

  • WENDY Think I heard on the Beeb this morning that "Just Giving" is donating to cover all admin charges.
  • So pleased to hear that...
    Some people wrongly think it’s going direct to the NHS which we fund through our taxes. It’s not it’s NHS related charities.
  • Yes, its for the staff. A gentleman was on TV this morning and he said that it was going to 150 charities which are all combined together under one title. They are all helping the staff, with at present, things such as supplying sleeping pods for the nurses to stay in so that they don't have to make the long journey home after a shift. Other welfare help is given.

    When I donated I gave an extra 50p for admin as I think that its great we can give to a charity with confidence in their collection system and to whom its actually going. Since then, I've heard that JustGiving are now donating all of their admin costs to the cause, too. Hooray!
  • There are so many people doing different things to help. A friend of mine, whose daughter is a doctor, is running up scrubs on her sewing machine. Another is turning out masks on a 3D printer.

    Well done, Captain Tom. And well done JustGiving - that won't do their reputation any harm at all, as well as adding to the pot.
  • Yes, well done Captain Tom and to everyone that is giving of their time!
    PAT - your shopping trip doesn't sound too good. I was out on Monday, shop quiet and everyone obeying the rules. I did pause at the cold meats shelves, wondering what to choose. I looked around and there was a gentleman standing the regulation distance away but sending glares in my direction...
    Just been outside pulling weeds from gravel in the front garden. I hadn't taken the kneeler with me and was disturbed to find that I can no longer stand up from kneeling without something to hold on to! I hope nobody was looking, I had to crawl to the garden wall and grab on to the top of it. When did I become so unfit?
  • If it's any consolation Heather I've not been able to get up from a kneeling position without something to hold onto, for about 4 years ...

    Had a successful shopping expedition after queuing in the sunshine outside for a short while - had a conversation with the slightly younger woman next to me and made her laugh when I pointed out that we were OK with waiting "Because we're British!!"