Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 April 2020


The full super moon is the night of 7-8 April. 

I hope everyone stays healthy and has an easy week. Hang in there, folks! 

Here are some horses grazing Friday on the big sky prairie near Lafayette, Indiana, where I grew up. 

  • Good morning - a bit cloudy but still warm and humidity should drop later so the sun can burn away the cloud. J is driving his car - has a prescription to pick up at chemist - could walk, but is desperate to be behind the wheel - OH has gone with him as it is at least 16 months since he drove!

    LINDA - thanks for the lovely flower photos yesterday - you are right about the colour in gardens this year - Daffs have been fantastic, also the Fritillaries. Pleased your son is slowly receiving his birthday gifts! Probably doesn't get much time to open them anyway, with three children to look after, so good to stagger it!

    ANNETTE - feeling sorry for flower and plant growers everywhere. We were also commenting that "other news" is just not getting any media attention these days - anyone would think the world had stopped! That woman who was fined for refusing to give name and address was reported on the BBC! Exciting for you to find hand sanitizer and wipes - life is good! Academy chemistry lab here is in use by volunteer scientists (including teachers) producing a chemical needed for PPE! Lovely thought that teachers took time to connect from a safe distance with their pupils.

    WENDY - congrats on the shed! Pleased you have heard from daughter - thinking of you both. Loved the meeting in a carpark for food.

    DIANE - sounds scary over your way - pleased the tornado didn't touch down on your home. Hope you get the phone sorted!

    AQ - lovely thought from Helen Keller - amazing woman. Wonderful to have an excuse not to do the weeding! When J went for a walk one day, on the pavement, a woman's head popped up from behind her garden wall where she had been knelt weeding a border!

    More weeding for OH later today. I enjoyed the sunshine and warmth yesterday, after sitting out in a fleece and gloves the day before!
  • Love reading all your news

    EAGLE EYE Glad J is Driving again.
  • I have been meaning to ask. Can anyone help me with what has happened to LIMPY and CLARE? I am not as regularly on they site as I once was and must have missed something
  • OG - glad to see that J is driving!
    I don't know if you are feeling as positive as you sound - I'm struggling, have to admit it.
  • Heather - I think most people, particularly those of us who live alone, are struggling. I didn't speak to anyone all day yesterday, which I found very difficult. I've lived alone for a long time, but this is not the same. Now I can't go out when I want to, can't visit a friend for a coffee, or do my usual Sunday morning round. Although technology does help, it's not the same as a face to face chat and a hug. But places like this really help - sharing the little achievements, or our thoughts and frustrations. I think one of the hardest things, at least for me, is the open-ended-ness of it all. We have no idea when things will improve, when we will be free to go shopping, visit friends, do things we usually do. If we had an end date I don't think we would be struggling so much. But not being able to plan, not knowing when we are going to see people again, is really hard. I miss my little great-nephew Charlie so much and he's growing so quickly. Will he remember me? Online meetings are all well and good, but nothing beats a hug and a sloppy kiss!

    Stick with it. This community is great, and really encouraging. And we will get through it. I think the world will be a very different place and we will all have to adapt to a very different 'normal'. It's both an exciting and a scary prospect, but one we need to be ready for. Let's hope we see these green shoots the politicians keep talking about very soon …
  • Limpy is posting photos on the Dyfi page of this forum. Not sure about Clare
  • PAT - I second all that you say, I couldn't have put it half as well. Thank you.
  • dibnlib said:
    I have been meaning to ask. Can anyone help me with what has happened to LIMPY and CLARE? I am not as regularly on they site as I once was and must have missed something

    I've also seen pics and posts from Limpy. Not sure about Clare....

    Hope they're both OK but I suppose we have to assume they are 

  • Heather B said:
    PAT - I second all that you say, I couldn't have put it half as well. Thank you.

    Me, too!!  

    My thoughts have been with all those alone, it's no fun at the best of times, and this thing has stolen their little treats of outings, hugs and quiet coffees, etc.  It will all come right, eventually, but till then we all need to stick together!  Come on here and have a groan and a moan, if you like, and we'll give you a virtual hug.

    To look at it the other way, a legal friend of my OH said the other day that he's expecting lots of work later this year in the form of divorces from those flung unhappily together!! I said "I hope you told him you hadn't strangled me, yet!" -- he said no, but he would ask his friend to defend him in court when he's up for murder!!!

  • Lindy - Apparently there is expected to be a baby boom at the end of the year as well. Very glad to hear your OH hasn't strangled you … so far! Must be dreadful for those families where there is abuse of any kind. In some respects living alone may have its compensations … It was rather fun this morning - when I went out for my usual walk there were five or six other people with someone leading them in gentle exercises to music. Everyone was well spread out on the lawn. So I joined in! Then continued on my walk. Hope they do that again - it's not only fun but we also laughed a lot at our own and each other's antics. Find laughter where you can - so important!