Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 April 2020


The full super moon is the night of 7-8 April. 

I hope everyone stays healthy and has an easy week. Hang in there, folks! 

Here are some horses grazing Friday on the big sky prairie near Lafayette, Indiana, where I grew up. 

  • I've just received something to put into the church weekly news sheet that's very relevant to this conversation. Here it is. It isn't my memory, but a member of our congregation.

    Isolation at Five Years Old
    My mother worked in London and could only see me at weekends. I got whooping cough and in those days it meant going into isolation hospital! No-one was allowed to visit for at least a week, so this is where my grandma took over.
    I had been in hospital for one day when a parcel arrived for me. It contained seven little parcels. The first said, 'Open on Monday', the next said 'Open on Tuesday' ... What a delight this was to me and what a wonderful idea. I still remember it and it was seventy years ago! Does this give us some idea of what we can do for other people? There are many possibilities.
  • Heather: They shouldn't have taken your comics away. It's funny what we remember about our childhoods.

    I also had my tonsils removed at 5 years old (the only time I've ever been admitted to a hospital in my life). I remember insisting to a ward sister that I be allowed to keep Puffy and Sue in my bed. Puffy was a small stuffed dog and Sue was a stuffed bear. They were both filthy, germ-ridden creatures. The nurse gave an emphatic "No!!!"

    I stood up in the bed, put my hand on her shoulder, gave her an intense look, and said, "If you don't let me have them, I'll get up in the middle of the night when you aren't here and I'll leave."

    My Dad, who was a tough labor union activist, laughed outright at my defiance. The nurse gave us both a disgusted, sour look and said, "Fine. Keep the nasty things." LOL!

  • Pat: Our posts crossed. What a lovely memory!

  • Some great memories there. Thanks for posting.

    My mother had scarlet fever as a child and told me that she had a miserable several weeks in an isolation ward. She never caught up with her schooling after, which embarrassed her.

    It's been bright sunshine here nearly all day : my OH has got the garden chairs out of the shed, but the wind is too cold to sit outside, it's not more than 15/16 degrees.

    Had some sad news about a neighbours situation today, which I can't share here, it made me sad, too, but I've enjoyed pottering in our garden & will post some pics in a minute.
  • Only one left to bloom this year, of the 3 we had last year. 

  • Tried to post those 2 pics together  but it was no go!

    ......  And now it won't post this one!

  • Close up of the Stellata I posted the other day.

  • Lovely photo, LINDY !
    My darling granddaughter - you can guess which one, blotted her copybook this morning. My son put up his small scout tent in the back garden as a kind of den for the girls. Someone tried to climb up the outside of it and broke the frame :-(
  • You reminded me of something similar when I was a child. In those days it was an 8 hour plus journey to visit my Grandparents and we would get bored spotting car number plated 1 - 100. My Grandparents had lovely neighbours who owned a sale shop and on our return journey home they would give us a bag containing little gifts wrapped up which we had to open every 10 miles or so. This meant 24 little parcels each. Oh what anticipation!!