Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good week and keeps healthy. I'm hoping that everyone on this forum will avoid the virus. Sending you all protective energy. 


The big Barred Owls are nesting at the bottom of the ridge right across from my front door. Every time I go outdoors, one of them gives me a booming hoot. Last year, they nested in a tall, old locust tree on the levee by the creek. We had so much flooding that the nest site turned out to be a precarious perch. I think they remembered it was a dangerous location, so this year they’re nesting low in a tree across from me. They are incredibly loud. Their call sounds like, “Whoo cooks for you? Whoo cooks for you?” They can also caterwaul just like large apes when they're feeling aggressive. They can chill my blood sometimes. LOL!

I walked up the hill to town last week to get a couple of meal items at the little general store. I looked up, and R.T. Hawk was flying above me. He landed on a tall silo and watched while I went into the store. Then, he escorted me back. I think he thought he was protecting me from the big Barred Owls, which are his enemies. I hope they can all stay away from each other. R.T. and his mate are nesting far back in the flood plain away from my house right now.

  • Wow - posts are increasing day by day! Thanks for all of them. Sorry about the oven WENDY - no pork crackling for Duke and Daisy!

    Had some fine drizzle this morning - but hasn't stopped OH gardening this afternoon. He is digging the second veg patch. Got up late this morning - but who cares? Had new trousers delivered - then the horrific thought that I shall have to shorten them myself as sewing shop is closed! Wiltshire delivery came, Tesco coming this evening. A whole new life!

    Daughter and OH are struggling with bandwidth, two of them working from home. She also wanted to get them better keyboards for their laptops, but they weren't available. I remembered one in our loft, so parcelled it up yesterday and she emailed to say it was delivered (near Inverness) today, who dares criticise Royal Mail - her OH will use that as he is typing reports, but she is doing a mix of shorter tasks.
  • Morning all:  Seems like Wendyb's experience after cleaning her oven is all the proof we need not to clean ours..

    Wendyb:  Lucky Duke, finding such a good home; let's hope they have short memories. My niece adopted a dog last year and she's (the dog!) a great source of fun and companionship.   I've seen bumper stickers with a paw imprint and the words "Who rescued who?"  Grammatically incorrect I think, but who cares; it's so true.  I keep thinking about getting one from the local rescue place, but I'd want to bring them all home....    

    Rosy:  But wine is essential!  Chocolate helps too.

    Harelady:  That's a funny video.  Lindybird: I had to turn on the sound on my computer but also on the video itself (look for the speaker icon).    Re our clueless leader and his pronouncements, my OH are rapidly wearing out the 'mute' button after nearly four years of constant use.  I don't think I've ever used so many rude words so often.....

    AQ: Just read in the Los Angeles TImes that traffic accidents are down 50%. I've just finished one book and just now starting My Penguin Years by photographer Lindsay McCrae, who worked with David Attenborough on his penguin special. McCrae grew up in the Lake District, spent all his time watching badgers and other wildlife near his home and when he was 14, wrote a letter to the BBC suggesting they do a Spring Watch segment in that location.  They apparently loaned him a camera and the result was included in one of the programs.  The start of a great career!

    OG: No need for you to shorten pants any time soon.  Where were you going anyway?   I'm living in yoga pants. Hope the food deliveries don't have any surprise substitutes. Our internet provider has upped everyone's speed (at no charge) due to work-at-home demands.  Also got ridiculous amount of extra megawhatsits (also at no charge) from phone company.  

    Meanwhile, friends of mine flew from New York to LA last week (her ancient Mom is mostly housebound here with just a day carer).  JFK airport was like a ghost town - here's the plane.  There was none of the usual rush to get off, with the cabin attendant apparently telling passengers: You can go now....

  • All went outside at 8.00pm to join in the clapping for the NHS workers... had a word with a couple of neighbours who are all OK.

    Annette - One thing that always strikes me when listening to your Great Orange Leader is what a very limited vocabulary he possesses. 

    I'm wearing comfy trousers round the house all day, too. Somehow we are still doing all the things we usually do, but without the going out bit.

    Interesting pic of the plane!

  • Each night our news has a segment with good news items. Pics of kinder children singing to nursing home residents on their verandah, reports on businesses providing food or help for those in isolation, someone in a spiderman suit performing on footpath to amuse children inside houses, a man used a drone to deliver a glass of whisky to his neighbour for a “shared” drink, etc,etc.

    Baggage handlers have spread virus to “close contacts” and thus to staff at a chemist (not mine). My sister & OH, both in 80s, have been isolating for a few weeks. She won’t even let her Dau in the door when she delivers fresh food. Nevertheless Sis sounds quite cheerful when I phone.

    Oven? Is one supposed to clean an oven? Likewise the car. . .

  • Just a thought
    I always feel the world cannot fall apart as long as free men see the rainbow, feel the rain and hear the laugh of a child. (Frank Capra (1897-1991))
  • Clapping, cheering and fireworks going on around here as well. Such a good idea.

    Noticed something else about the Orange Peril. Not only does he have an extremely limited vocabulary, but his voice is at a very strange level - it pitches higher and then stays there while he pours out his platitudes. It's almost robotic. Does anyone actually believe what he's saying?
  • Went outside tonight to clap at 8pm. Lot more of the neighbours doing it this week. Its catching on. Unfortunately our DIL tested positive for the Corvid 19 so has to wait to be tested again on Sunday , to see whether she can go back as a front line NHS worker. She is a senior Matron at Northampton GH responsible for Infection Control.. Son is at home too with her and is self isolating..

    Og - glad you are getting your food delivered along with a Tesco's delivery tomorrow. My last delivery is tomorrow as by the time I thought of booking more weeks in advance all slots had been taken. So its off to the shops next week instead.. Your OH is working hard, well done to him - keeping you all going.
  • Just watched a very good vid by the Marsh family on FB with all the family doing the song ONE DAY MORE. If you get a chance , watch it, it lifts the spirits.
  • Lynette: Saw the Marsh family video. It's a good one.
  • Lindybird/PatO:  Indeed - and we thought George W. Bush had a limited vocabulary .  And I don't listen long enough to hear the change in pitch!    

    AQ:  Our  network news channels always end the nightly litany of doom and gloom with a brief touchy-feely segment on how kind/strong/brave, etc., some person or some group is.. And it's true, but being cranky and cynical, I tend to head for the kitchen muttering about media manipulation.  .

    Lynette: Not happy to read your DiL has tested positive. Thankfully, the great majority of people don't have severe symptoms, so do bear that in mind even though I'm sure you're all concerned.  Hugs to you!

    There isn't going to be one weed left standing in our garden by the time I'm done.