Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good week and keeps healthy. I'm hoping that everyone on this forum will avoid the virus. Sending you all protective energy. 


The big Barred Owls are nesting at the bottom of the ridge right across from my front door. Every time I go outdoors, one of them gives me a booming hoot. Last year, they nested in a tall, old locust tree on the levee by the creek. We had so much flooding that the nest site turned out to be a precarious perch. I think they remembered it was a dangerous location, so this year they’re nesting low in a tree across from me. They are incredibly loud. Their call sounds like, “Whoo cooks for you? Whoo cooks for you?” They can also caterwaul just like large apes when they're feeling aggressive. They can chill my blood sometimes. LOL!

I walked up the hill to town last week to get a couple of meal items at the little general store. I looked up, and R.T. Hawk was flying above me. He landed on a tall silo and watched while I went into the store. Then, he escorted me back. I think he thought he was protecting me from the big Barred Owls, which are his enemies. I hope they can all stay away from each other. R.T. and his mate are nesting far back in the flood plain away from my house right now.

  • Diane: Thank you.  Good to know that RTHawk is still keeping an eye on you - at least when you're out and about.  Looks like the owls have taken over your home security.

    Lindybird: That one about barking at a squirrel must be doing the rounds there - my niece sent it to me about an our before I saw your post.

    I worked in the garden again today, went for walk; suspect I'll do more of the same tomorrow.

    Take care all.

  • What a lovely surprise. Thank you. Diane, a lovely read. I'm up trying to get a delivery slot for a Tesco food order - no chance, from midnight on the page just returned errors and now all the next 6 day slots are filled. :(
  • Cirrus: Long time; no see. Hope you can managed to get a Tesco delivery for the 7th day and that you have enough to keep you going until then! Stay well.
  • Thanks DIANE for starting us off. I hope you haver enough supplies & can keep your distance from human critters.

    Lovely autumn day, 24 C, quite warm in sun but surprisingly cool in shade. Yes, I’ve been a good girl, more weeding! OH went for a half hour walk.

    Our church has been emailing weekly bulletin, also links for services being streamed. Rather weird sitting at home, watching, but not distracted by wriggling children LOL.

  • Just a thought
    Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity. (Joseph Addison (1672-1719))
  • A lovely one, AQ!

    Good Morning Everyone, and thanks to Diane for starting us off. Glad your RT Hawk is still keeping an eye on you, Diane. Keep safe and well.

    A bright morning here, and the hour has changed, and it's my OH "Mr Busy"s birthday. 76 and he shows few signs of slowing down! I gave him various clothing items as he buys himself very little, plus Bonnie gave him a wide beam torch for walking her at night. Yesterday two relatives called by with cards and presents - they stood in the driveway and we shouted news!
  • Diane - loved the video and you descriptions of where you live. I've provably got it so wrong in my imagination but you do conjure up a great picture of your protector RTH.

    I am lost for words that Boris is going to spend £5mil sending letter to every household to tell them to be sensible. I am sorry and this is harsh and may offend some of you - but - if some people are so stupid not to know by now what to do - then we are better off without them.

    Don't spend the money on this - give it to the NHS instead.

    Right I feel better now Ive got that off my chest.

    Hope we are all surviving - its hard but we have to just stay home.

    At the moment we have full sunshine but this morning it was hailstones and torrential rain. - I wonder when the plague of locusts will come?

    Please keep all of your posts coming and the funnies.

    Take care all.

  • Well I am not offended and agree with you HARELADY though not too sure about the better off without bit, guessing that was tongue in cheek.From what I read the letter will only reiterate what we already know (or most of us know) anyway. What a waste.
  • DIANE - thanks, once again. So pleased that beside being busy with "spring activities" Owl finds time to guard your house, and RT Hawk is still escorting you to town and back!

    JANE (CIRRUS) - lovely to "see" you again, do pop in here for a chat to help pass the time. Keep well and take care.

    HARELADY - what annoyed me about the Boris letter was that the BBC read out so much of it, that nobody will need to read it when it comes. I am full of admiration for our leaders and their advisers right now - so much better than the Orange Baby over the pond who seems to know nothing! Wind will need to change from northerly for the locusts to get here - and haven't they all been wiped out by the Ducks sent to the African nations by China? Maybe a plague of Frogs more likely here - especially for those people in Hereford and Worcester etc who cannot get their homes cleaned up from the floods!

    Intending to follow the online church service this afternoon, then it might feel like Sunday - I do like a fixed day to hang my week on! OH will be phoning people on his pastoral list. J is still working on the dyslexia course - looking forward to a change of subject for the next one!

  • Hello, everyone. I have had a lovely Sunday morning - a Taketime Meditation (if anyone would like the link, happy to put it on here) followed by a live streamed service from our minister's study. Then went out for a walk while the sun shone, although the wind was chilly - no sitting today! Now it's a mixture of hail and snow out there - for once I got my timing right! Feel a lot better now, and lunch is simmering away gently and beginning to smell good.

    We have to hold on to little things at the moment …

    Hope everyone is OK.

    Diane - thank you so much for your wonderful description of the wildlife around your home. I always smile as I read, particularly about RT Hawk accompanying you to the shop and keeping you safe. A real guardian angel with a fearsome beak!