Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good week and stays healthy. Sending you all protective energy!

  • Has anyone seen how some Italian mayors are addressing the crisis? (Translation is included.)


  • Grrrrrrrrr - This morning I spent about three hours making an e-mail group list of around 150 names. Then I went and did lots of other things. When I looked for it this evening, no sign. Oh dear - forgot to press 'save'. I am not amused!!!! Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow morning ...
  • PatO never order meat online but normally happy with fruit and veg...
  • Sad note is that the Archers are going down to 4 episodes a week :-((
  • Tighter rules here today. Stay home unless for food, medical, work or exercise. Outdoor groups no more than 10 & keep social distance. Weddings – only 5, the couple, celebrant & witnesses. Funerals 10 mourners. Food courts closed except for take-away. Hairdressers permitted but must be < 30 mins. Our restrictions not as tight – yet – as elsewhere in world. I have just explained to a confused OH that he can walk around the block, for now at least. Food shopping this morn, I shall report back later. Everyone take care, stay well.

  • Talking of hairdressers was due to have it cut in a fortnight but now they are closed have had to do the job myself, well it is only temporary, once they are open again I will have it done properly. it was getting awefully long at the front and in my eyes.

    Been a glorious day here if somewhat with a cool breeze. Dau went out on a bike ride and OH even went round the block for a short walk, wonders never cease. My turn next but shying away at present until fully healed.

    As Morrisons seems to be busy and I can't get to do my online shopping, although I do have this weeks done and next week, am going to try to get in with another supermarket and see what they are offering. At least it saves having to walk round one. Probably have no luck as the response for home deliveries has been phenomenal.

    Take care all, spring is in the air, keep smiling.
  • Food shop was better than expected. Very few shoppers, far less than usual for Wed (pension discount day). A few shelves completely bare (toilet rolls, pasta), some patchy with popular brands/sizes missing. Only limit I saw was for eggs (limit of 2 packs but I only wanted 1). I could not get the small pork cutlets OH likes, instead I selected another cut. My list had items I won’t really need until next week and I added them in case not available then. Home again, packed all away, phone call, lunch, whoops, I fell asleep on lounge, woken by cramp in foot. Now what else was I to do today. . .

    Thank goodness my hair is long and I can snip the ends myself.

    I read that a university modelling says that c-virus can only be controlled in Aussieland if 8 out of 10 people stay home. OK, I intend to stay put until next Wednesday food shop.

  • Just a thought from our friend Anon:-
    A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
  • Like that one, AQ. (Reminds me strongly of my lost Friend who seemed to know me well, and I her)

    Sunny start again today but believe it's going to get colder: over the last few days we've seen a lot of folks in the fields behind our house, walking their dogs in the pleasant weather. Nice for them to get outside but that will not be continuing as much if it returns to colder weather, I suspect.

    Spent time last evening trying to get my head around instructions from our Eldest, but between us we managed to install a thing for video conferencing on my tablet, so that we can see Amber on a bigger screen than my mobile phone. Spent more time on the phone again and thankful for today's variety of connectivity, but as my OH hates technology it has all fallen to me to get around it all.

    Today must contact a few people who I know are living alone, including my late Friends OH.
  • Diane - I can't get that link to work? it takes me to a facebook page saying it not available? I wanted to send it to my Grandaughter who is into her birds like me.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok