Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good week and stays healthy. Sending you all protective energy!

  • Thank you all for your news!
    I have spent a long time today speaking with my son. He has closed his shop for the duration. We expect all shops to be closed soon except for food and medicines. He will cope. He is not alone, many small businesses are in the same situation. He and I have invested a lot of money in the business and we hope that after all this is over, he will still have loyal customers. It will probably be like starting all over again, though.

    I'll be back here tomorrow x
  • I am very aware that lives are more important than money - we can see the big picture. Sorry if my post implied otherwise !
  • Heather - it didn't! Of course your son is concerned about his business - he worked very hard to get it started. I'm sure, when life returns to whatever 'normal' will be by then, his customers will return and bring their friends.

    Heard a rumour that there was food today in one of our local supermarkets. I'll probably go and investigate tomorrow … it will make a change to see shelves with things on them and fridges with stuff inside them!
  • Heather I understand your concerns over your son as I had similar problem with sensible youngest a few years ago but we are the bank of mum and mum and it’s that love that gets us through...
    I am about to speak out of turn maybe but Lindy regardless of your lack of supplies surely after being on a plane a train and a taxi surely a visit to your local shop was not sensible. My youngest is trying to keep her 8 students safe from life and the unknown out there.
    I wonder what BJ will say at 8.30?
  • Now having a go at replies! Didn’t realise my mention of the Clyde Puffers would cause so much conversation – just shows we all need new things to think about at this time – I reckon our discussions here will keep us all sane!

    LYNETTE – ouch! The tissue around that eye must be very painful! Looks as if Dau made a good job of first aid – do take care.

    LINDA – I think we were above freezing this morning, and the day warmed up to the low teens – would like a few more, but I think that cold wind is going to return mid-week. Funny how busy we all are, but that is worse for you having been away. Well done with the laundry and OH’s allotment efforts. I see garden centres are closing – so no tomatoes this year as we no longer have any seed lurking in the tin!

    WENDY – well done with the food slots! OH is registered with Tesco, and we are wondering if we really should get an order in for whenever!

    HEATHER – sorry about your Son’s business – let’s hope this thing will not go on for too long, especially for small businesses. Of course you are concerned for him and your investment – we all always want the best for our children.
  • I know what you mean , I did think very hard before going out. I scrubbed my hands before I went, I wore a scarf tightly around my face, and didn't get near anyone in the shop: there was hardly anyone in there anyway. (I saw no one else with a face mask by the way) I used gel on my hands before I used the trolley, after I used the trolley, before I touched the payment keys, after I touched the keys, and I stood about half a mile from the cashier. I didn't touch any of the goods in the shop except those which I bought. I then scrubbed my hands when I got home again. As far as I know, there's not a single person within five miles of our small town who has this terrible virus - yet. Serious times we are in, I know.
  • OG. Glad that J is doing well. EE did well with his shopping. Take care, both of you. We have a young relative who has just begun a midwifery course so we aren't sure if it will still be going ahead in this climate. Have to wait & see.

    Heather -- Hope your sons business can survive this. Just heard Boris J saying that most non essential shops will be closing down. Ghastly but necessary.
  • Good to hear everyone’s news even if grumbles. I don’t feel so alone.

    Dau#1 texted at weekend that she had pneumonia. Her test for Covid came back negative yesterday. Phew. She will be off teaching for a week or 2. Schools in our state not closed though many parents are keeping children home. 3 weeks to end of term.

    Dau#2 had to collect MissJ from school yesterday as she had a sniffle. Dau was not worried. But poor mite was so upset at missing school, she cried & cried and had a very red nose.

    Not quite lockdown here yet. Across Aussieland all hotels, gyms, churches, cinemas closed. Cafes & restaurants can only do take-away. Curiously hairdressers still permitted. From this pm, anyone coming to our state from another has to self-isolate for 14 days. Travel Friend & I had booked a bus trip to VIC silo art next weekend. Already my trip to NSW in May has been cancelled with most of cost to be refunded.

    I probably had my last “fun” outing on Saturday when I captured some photos in suburbs, driving in my car, meeting & speaking to no-one. OH came for the ride – he is suffering from cabin fever. That’s the problem when one does not have hobbies. Me, I have so many things to do, I hardly know where to start. Yesterday I made a huge batch of sausage rolls in case I get sick and OH has to feed himself. Next on agenda will be pasties. It will be interesting to see how supermarket shelves are tomorrow. Dau said hers had a large quantity of the cheapest basic pasta, but no tinned tomatoes, hardly any meat.

  • I agree about the hobbies thing, AQ. I have enough books left unread still, to last me until I sleep under the ground. Also, I find the internet endlessly fascinating. When I was very young, I read voraciously and ran out of things to read in the house - so young that my fathers books were too adult for me to understand. But we had a massive set of Arthur Mee Encyclopedias, and I read them a bit at a time over several years! Can still remember the appearance of some of the pages!

    Good idea to keep up the home baked supplies. I have lots of flour, & sugar, etc. Zbut now am stumped as no eggs seem to be available - we couldn't get any in Spain either..... perhaps hens are self isolating......
  • Lindy I know Tesco didn’t give a slot.. have you tried Sainsbury’s Asda or as in my youngest case the joy of Waitrose?