Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good week and stays healthy. Sending you all protective energy!

  • PAT - Sympathies with your friend - I'm finally using all the hand cream given to me over a number of years....
    That is of course of no help to your friend.
    LINDY - I hope that G's widower will be OK. My Welsh friend is a!so finding life difficult as she has become used to the company of friends since her husband died.
    Everyone - take care and long live this site :-)
  • Finding our thread on page 2 every evening now - everyone here and on other threads seems to have a lot of spare time! We didn't do any gardening today - a bit cloudy and were busy with other things. OH went to Tesco - said they are getting more organised with social distancing. Butcher delivered this afternoon, and we were busy getting meat portioned and into the big freezer. Finished the church magazine after various changes of plan and it is now on the church website - also been messaging people (email and phone) to tell them what we have done and where to find it. J is still getting on with part 3 of his course. No news from other family members, but not their fault as I haven't called them either! Latest cancelled appointment is one I didn't know I had - oncologist at breast clinic has postponed me to next year!
  • Looks magnificent, Lindy. Love the other pic of your garden.

    Hi HareLady, and all the rest hope you are all coping with this stay at home caper whilst the virus runs riot. Let's hope that it will soon be under control, although they do say that the peak is yet to come.

    Feeling a lot better, I was a bit weak first thing having eaten nothing all day yesterday but have picked up. Must confess I didn't do the exercises this time but if it happens again must do them.

    Been reading what you've all been up to , thanks for the news.

    Went out with dau this afternoon to drop some food off at a local food bank. I stayed in the car whilst she did the business, tried to get into Tesco's for a bit of shopping but said the que was too long so we came home and got what we wanted in the local Co-op. After next week's shopping is delivered will have to go out and get shopping on Easter weekend as I can't get a slot for love or money. That's life.

    Have a good weekend, stay well and safe.
  • Just a thought:
    My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. She drinks right out of the bottle. (Henry Youngman)
  • AQ:  I was rather slow on the uptake with that one - I initially read it as if were your grandmother until I thought: Wait a minute....   Then it took another bit to get the joke..  Duh.

    PatO;  Can your friend get the cream online?   I'm only allergic to pollen, etc., which of course is kicked up the wind which has been wild these last few days when I've been working out the in garden.  Duh (again).

    Lynette:  Do take care  Maybe doing those exercises while you're feeling okay would prevent another attack?

    OG:  Yes, I also noticed that our thread hasn't topped the list of late but it is osprey season which is probably a good thing under the circuances.  Congrats on getting the church magazine done.

    I'm going to try to attach some silly/funny things.....


  • Looking at the map for some weekend travel ideas...

  • ANNETTE – With an OH already mooching around with nothing to do or to amuse him, may I take option B? Love your travel plan.

    I just remembered I should be interstate looking at silo art this weekend.

  • Sorry to hear you are poorly Lynette.
  • Got a message from a friend yesterday. She lives in Fochabers but we have known each other since we at infant school and living in a wee village in the central belt. She said she was having a real low a couple of nights ago when she found out that her younger daughter is now nurse in charge of a corona virus ward at the John Radcliffe. Also her older daughter who is in PR in London has been laid off and there are doubts whether she is entitled to any of the government help. Friend who is a retired Dr she she will be able to provide assistance for a while.
  • AQ - I did not get the joke initially either, but it is a good one. It must be that anyone in their eighties is still older than me!

    Annette - Your silly/funny things did make me smile. Thank you.

    I am glad you are feeling better, Lynette.