Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • Tried again to get some fresh meat and/or poultry this morning, in a different supermarket. Same thing - empty shelves. I was told they had things in 'earlier', but everything had been snaffled by 7.30am. Do people not listen to the advice? Do they not appreciate they are not the only ones who need food? They must have extremely large freezers! I'm just wondering how much of the stuff I've ordered for an online delivery next week will actually arrive.
  • PatO: Just read on BBC online that Sainsbury's and ASDA are limiting customers to 3 of any one item. Also that Sainsbury's is prioritizing oldies for home delivery....
  • That's all very well. But mum and dad and two children = 12! And that's the way a lot of families are doing it. They are queuing up and rushing in at opening time, and half an hour later everything has gone. I just can't believe the behaviour and selfishness of some of my fellow Brits ...
  • Really fed up with the drip drip advice coming from our government... at least Scotland will be closing our schools for 4 weeks from Friday. Hard for parents I know but surely being packed together in a class can’t be good for both children and teachers .
    I can self isolate easily as I live remotely and have a large garden. I can also take the car with the dogs in for a different walk in many locations knowing we won’t meet a soul.
    Have always kept a good store cupboard and plenty of “ stuff” in various freezers. I have learnt my lesson after being snowed in a few times and the fact that it’s nearly a 60 mile round trip to my nearest supermarket I have done online shopping for years. With a delivery pass it’s so much cheaper. I use Tesco and ASDA as and when I need different things. I have ASDA on a continuous Tuesday so it’s always booked and Tesco lets you book up to 4 weeks .Yesterdays Asda was a bit of a lottery but still good.
    Sadly I have cancelled my tour of England... Monmouth Dartmouth and Bournemouth. I did this a month ago and am still sad as I was meeting my girls and oldest friend. No way would I think of the trip knowing how many nasty motorway services I would have to stop at.
    So take care one and all and fingers crossed for those that do need to get to shop and get what you need
  • PS our local distilleries are doing a sterling job making high alcohol spirit to make a gel for care homes and local elderly to keep them safe.
  • WendyB: Wow. Love the entrepreneurial spirit of your local distilleries. I'd buy that. :-) Sorry about the canceled trip - it's a very familiar story unfortunately, but good you have food deliveries already set up. This too shall pass.....
  • Well here in Suffolk we have mixed reports of supermarkets - some have plenty and other empty. I use Waitrose and did my normal shop on Saturday (you get a free newspaper if you spend over £10) and got everything I needed - not everything I wanted -which makes a big difference. Like everywhere we have selfish morons who grab everything but they are being slowed by the regulations put in place by the supermarkets.

    I am still working full time but we are reviewing day by day. My Son-in-Law who is a teacher expects the schools to close on Friday - for how long no one knows.

    I worry about my Children and Grandchildren and if they will be expected to take unpaid leave -we will all just have to help each other - which is not a bad thing.

    On a lighter note - I see the Osprey are winging their way back to the uk - so we shall have something to watch online - rather than the relentless 24 hour news feed.

    Keep positive and well all and Im sure we will all come through.

    Diane and Annette - I just love all the responses on Twitter to the Idiot Trump - how he has saved the world from the Virus - the one he said was a hoax - what an awful man.

  • I phoned the vet for an appointment .. I jokingly said she I just pop Daisy through the front door and wait. I did get the 3rd degree on have I been abroad ( my response I moved to Scotland 19 years ago so didn’t have to) and other basic questions .
    Phoned my local hospital to cancel an appointment about my trigger fingers stating my age age and the state of the world. Her reply was are you sure about that you can still come.
    Always said vets are always ahead of the game .

  • This may be of general interest, and particularly to Annette and Diane. Scary …

  • PatO; Thanks for the link It all sounds soooooo familiar. As Joe Biden (or was it Bernie?) said on TV last week (words to the effect) that "President Trump is no longer relevant."