Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • Thanks, Diane, and the same to you--hope you have a good and healthy week.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Diane:  Lucky you - we have lots of boring old brown (and formerly endangered) pelicans.  Our Western Redbud is sprouting brilliant pink blossoms and the Chinese Elm is beginning to fill out, so at least this Spring seems on track..  Thanks for starting us off - and take care!

  • Annette: I love brown pelicans! Many, many years ago, a brown pelican befriended me while I was vacationing in Florida. He even rode in the boat next to me, and when my then-husband wasn't looking, I'd give him bait fish to eat.

    I'll bet your Redbud blossoms are gorgeous! It warmed up and all my trees budded out, but tonight it's snowing wildly. LOL  The groundhog came out of his burrow briefly. He wasn't worried about the virus, and he was happy to accept a carrot. He made grateful little "chuff-chuff" sounds. Meanwhile, in Michigan (north of me), there's a completely different kind of corona happening tonight.

    Gardenbirder: Best wishes to you!

  • Good morning. I wonder what is happening with LINDA and OH in the canaries - flights there are cancelled so I suppose could affect their home journey - don't know how long they went for. I assume they are staying away from cafes, since she has not used wi-fi to message us!

    J intended to come to church with us today, but has a bad headache - and no migraine meds left! He is sure he has no Covid symptoms. Until we are told otherwise, I shall continue going to church, but not for social gatherings. I hope OH won't insist on his after-service coffee today - I don't partake anyway as I refuse to drink what I call "institutional coffee"!

    We had really strong wind here last evening followed by a mild night. Still breezy, but dry. Looks like there may be some gardening time later this week.
  • Excuse my ignorance, everyone. I don't know much about travel to the Canary Islands (or anywhere else, frankly). So, Jet2 cancelled its flights to mainland Spain and the Canary Islands. Is there another airline that serves the islands?

    Also, the BBC says, "Jet2 has started sending empty planes out to the 14 Spanish destinations it operates to and will run its normal schedule of return flights to the UK for the coming week to bring customers home."

    So that means that Lindy will still have a return flight? She's not trapped on the island then, right? Or do I not understand the situation (probably not)?

  • DIANE - I'm really unsure which airline that LINDY flew with. I do think that they were going there for two weeks, starting last Wednesday. I know that they are in a rental apartment, not a hotel. The question is maybe whether they will be able to book a flight with a different airline if necessary?
  • Thanks, Heather. I reckon she'll find her way back.

  • DIANE - I can never remember which island they go to, Fuerteventura or Lanzarote! Both have airports. Their journey home might be via Tenerife, even, if flights are scarce....
  • Thank you Diane for starting the week.

    Heather - I was thinking that Lindy had gone to Lanzarote, but now you mention it, I think it is Fuerteventura.
    I seem to remember that she has visited all the islands, but now prefers this one.
    I read that there are cases of 'the virus' in an apartment block in Lanzarote so hope that is not where she has gone.