Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 March 2020


The full moon is 9 March. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! It's warming up here! Yay! 

  • OG - I had to chuckle about the sweaters! My OH had several very expensive jumpers when I arrived in his life. So expensive that his late wife had sewn leather elbow patches on them as they got a bit 'worn'. Over the years I persuaded him to get cheaper ones....

  • HEATHER - I too had been wondering what has happened to ForestBoar - re floods (but I think he is above the valley) and now coronavirus - I think he and his wife would both be considered "high risk".

    Talking of which, does anyone know where to find the advice to vulnerable patients which keeps being promised?
  • I can't see any specific UK advice OG but assume that vulnerable folk should follow all the usual hygiene stuff plus keep away from crowded places like shops, cinemas, hospitals GPsurgeries, churches,sports venues? I take your point though. Presumably there will be some sort of official guidance appearing .......Would J be considered vulnerable given his job and his medical history?

  • Morning all:  

    OG: Thanks for 'clarifying' Wendy's post re her daughter - I thought she'd actually got 'it' but turns out it's someone at the Uni.  Still - a time to be cautious...    J must've had a mad moment buying those sweaters, so.it's even more upsetting that they're ruined..  :-(

    Talking of laundry, I spent our very rainy Sunday washing sheet, towels - even the cleaning rags.  One of OH's flannel pillow cases has sprouted unfixable holes - it'll make a wonderfully soft duster.  (Pathetic, the things that make us happy.)   :-)

  • Just got off the phone with grandson, the ground floor of whose apartment building - along with several others in the area - was flooded yesterday when the area got 4" of rain in 3 hours. They mentioned flash floods in his area on the news last night but I assumed it was in the area behind the town.... Wrong. So they were ordered out by the Fire Department/Police and went to a nearby motel. He says there were about 4 inches of rain on the ground floor and they managed to get anything valuable off the floor before they had to leave. Apparently the couch and table, etc were sitting in the water, but he's not too worried given that they were hand-me-down items;. He has renter's insurance, but whatever they lost won't exceed the deductible. He's meeting the landlord this morning to hear about next steps. Apparently, the guy had put in a new faux-wood floor just before he moved in......
  • OG/Heather: Here's a link to the Centers for Disease Control tips for at-risk adults.
  • ANNETTE -Thank you!  I did find that site earlier and rated it highly , - I was really looking for UK Government advice though, as I think that is what OG was referring to...
    Sorry about Grandson's flood damage - I take it that the ruined floor was not his direct responsibility?
    Grandson Callum is in court tomorrow but it transpires that it is simply for him to make a fresh plea as the original charge has been reduced. The lad who faced the major charge has been sent to prison for three years and banned from driving for seven years.

  • Heather:  Right - flooded floor was result of outside water coming in through the patio door....   Good that Callum is looking at a downgraded charge -I remember he stayed around to talk to the police at the time of the accident so that's a plus. Let us know how it goes if you like.    A ghastly lesson for the kid whose driving actually  caused the death ...and of course, a lifelong disaster for the family whose son was killed.  

  • Good morning. Dry so far but a bit windy. Cleaner here (how quickly the weeks are passing!)

    I have just written a review (invited) of our first Wiltshire order. This was Roast Loin of Pork with stuffing. Score out of 5 - 2 stars (poor). Overall appearance - not appetising. Meat - bland - we added our own apple sauce which made it palatable. Stuffing, mash and gravy - average. Carrots - hard and bland. Cabbage - tough and bland. J remarked "Did we really pay that price for hospital food?"! We shall try a few non-roast meals before making a final decision, but shall definitely not choose that one again, and since it is almost "Carrots with everything", it will be difficult to avoid them.

    HEATHER - I don't think J would be considered medically vulnerable to Covid-19 - but his place of work makes him vulnerable if they have it in school. He is taking all precautions. If he brings it home or I catch it elsewhere, I am vulnerable due to impaired immunity. Pleased that Callum's charge is reduced - thinking of him and all of you today.

    ANNETTE - sorry about your Grandson's inundation - hope clean-up, liability and resolution are soon sorted. Thanks for link to US advice re the virus - I found it very helpful. I am going to stock up on medication supplies. I suppose the hardest thing for us would be finding an alternative carer for me if OH gets sick.