Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 March 2020


The full moon is 9 March. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! It's warming up here! Yay! 

  • Yes I can....

    Tried to post at 6.45am. We woke early, after going to bed very late - went to a Quiz Night and Presentation of Prizes for those who are all golfers at our Bowling Club. I felt terrible, but went along as I'd missed the event last year. No prizes for my OH this time, but he enjoyed some banter with the other golfers, and we did well in the Quiz although we didn't win -- we only had six around our table but the table next to us won, with 13 people all contributing! Rather unfair, we thought.

    Ate some rather boring hotpot which could have done with some proper seasoning. Got home completely tired out. But looking forward to being at home today, and the sun is coming out!

    Thanks to Diane for starting us off again.
  • DIANE - thanks for starting us off again. Pleased to see there is some improvement in your weather.

    LINDA - sorry your evening was so disappointing, and that you then woke early after a late night. Enjoy a restful day at home today - or maybe you will get a gentle walk in the sunshine.

    My leg woke us up at 12:30, 2:45, 3:30 and 5:00! In between, OH was restless and noisy with his cold and cough - the whole thing seems to have gone back to the beginning again - hope he can get rid of it properly this time. I have told him I hope he won't sit there sniffing in church this morning - but I am not going with him as I don't feel strong enough - keep dozing off here in front of my PC. J has decided he will go to church with OH - to try out the new minister, I assume. This week is his last unofficial visit - the induction service is next Saturday.
  • Sorry your leg is still keeping you awake, OG , and that you've had to miss church today.

    It's really changeable weather here, we've had bright sun but also very sudden showers. I got a few bits of laundry dry in between, so later will tackle the last of the ironing. Put all my clothes out yesterday ready to be packed, so feel a bit better about it, as we both thought that it was a good thing we were poorly last week rather than this week: my OH has been able to leave things in reasonable order in the allotment greenhouse and I've been tidying the house. This morning I hung my picture of a cat in the sitting room where I can enjoy it, together with a watercolour of a Canaries scene done by a friend of ours.

    Last night we met no end of people who had had much the same illness as we've suffered, and several of them said that they'd already had it once, when it appeared to come back!
  • OG:  Gosh - I'm sure you've tried all the usual remedies and more for that leg - what about those sticky pads that generate heat?  A heating pad?  :-(  No wonder you're nodding off at the computer.

    Lindybird:  Do take it easy with packing, etc.  You don't want that bug coming back just when you're about to get on the plane or you'll end up quarantined.  :-)  That Quiz Match does sound a bit lopsided, but I guess they're relaxed about rules....

    Got a call from granddaughter last night who was heading to the vet with Ms. D and their ancient and creaky dog Pepito, who's been ailing for some months, on a special (expensive!) diet and medicine, etc..  She was upset, Ms. D was in the back of the car petting the dog and they were picking up my daughter - who was at a concert - en route to the vet.   Long story short; they decided to do the kind thing; sad but....

    Meanwhile, I've been urging my OH to watch Stan & Ollie, the video I got from the library some weeks back.  He finally sat down with it last night but after a few minutes announced he was confused -  and why was Maria Callas in it?  Oh dear.  That means someone who shall remain nameless mixed up the discs before returning one and now the Maria Callas video case is somewhere in the Central Coast library network with the Stan & Ollie disc inside. Must tootle up there today with the evidence and alert the staff.

    Meanwhile, I'm planning a puttering around day...  We have great billowing white clouds that are getting grayer by the minute....

    Take care all...

  • OGf - so sorry that your leg is giving you so much trouble! Hope you can find some relief soon. I know your pain comes from deep within but maybe that "blue" jell rubbed in at bedtime could give some topical help for awhile.
  • Annette - I smiled at the thought of someone settling down for a lovely operatic evening with Maria Callas, only to find Stan and Ollie …!
  • ANNETTE - sorry to read about the family's four legged friend, but pleased they were strong enough to decide on what sounds like the right path to take. Quite an extreme change - Maria Callas for Stan and Ollie - I hope you will be able to track down the right one for him to watch!

    JANE - thanks - using gel on my leg does help in the parts where I can have it, but I use creams on my dodgy skin on some parts of the leg, and can't mix the applications!

    I was sorry not to get to church this morning, especially as it didn't rain! But I was thrilled when J announced he would go with his Dad! I am hoping he will come more often with us.