Poole Harbour Ospreys and Relocation 2020

As this could to be a monumental year, with the possibility of the first breeding Ospreys in Poole for a very long time, and the chance of more relocated birds returning I thought we might as well start off a new thread.

Richard B

  • 2033 and something banging about on the cam post again.

    Richard B

  • Tony T said:
    Great captures, especially the stick midair, sharp eyes there to capture that shot.

    That's very kind of you, TONY - but I'm not as acute as you might think ;)  I'm downloading the stream of this cam (and several others) 24/7.  All the YouTube streams come down in 6-hour clips and start a new one within seconds of a "full" one cutting off.  Then I scroll thru and see what I can find, and when I see a fly-in I can advance/rewind one frame at a time to get the exact shot needed.

    Only problem is that it takes time and I am (1) inefficient, and (2) need lots of breaks.

    I see that you, PATILY, have seen something about a "bleached effect" on this cam.  MARY & I have both found it difficult to enhance the depth and colour, but I have decided that PH have played a clever game, as we get very little blurring on this cam compared to others, which is wonderful.  Maybe with practice we'll be able to dramatise the colours etc eventually, but I expect most are happy with the way it is.

    I put these snaps thru a "batch resizer" with the saturation upped a bit, and they were spoiled Disappointed relieved  But it's such a pain having to downsize pics individually.  Shan't do it again unless I find better software.

    She was on 'n off the nest all day until mid-afternoon at least:

    She's left-footed:

    A cambump betrayed her evening visit, she chirped and stayed quite a while until another bump told us she'd left:

  • Cambump @ 05:53, she dropped down a minute later, since when she's pottered a little bit and mainly stood around, unpestered by anyone :)

    It looks as tho someone's drawn lines on her beak - well it wasn't me!

  • Good Morning Everyone

    Lovely round up of captures once more Scylla 

    Reports on chat say CJ7 arrived 05.54 

    I had a go at trying to capture her winged entrances but it is very difficult and like you say Scylla takes a lot of time and effort to do it.  

    She was pottering around the nest, but has just flown at 07.01 am

    Posing Smiley

    Click to enlarge

    It is wonderful to have such a clear cam to watch her in all her glory, oh to have had a cam like this over the years watching EJ too. 


  • I managed to get a couple of snaps of her arriving with a big stick.

    © Poole Osprey Project

  • MARY said @ 07:01

    oh to have had a cam like this over the years watching EJ too. 

    If only! :'(


    I'm just going thru what I've got and expect I'm duplicating some of the super snaps already posted, but can't resist her :-*

    She was very busy up until lunchtime:

    I think this one eventually went over the far side, on the left near the back:

    She used both feet this time (me having claimed she was left-footed yesterday):

    Last seen on her way up to the campost.  Later I saw a cambump but no osprey.

  • CJ7 (presumably - I did see a leg ring of some kind) dropped onto the nest @ 05:46, stayed less than a minute and had not returned by 07:30 (at which time my download ended and I'm not stop/restarting the new one now, am in great haste.  It's been a windy night on the nest.


  • It was CJ7 MC and she has still not returned.
    I rather suspect she may be perching out of this cold wind.
  • She returned at 09.45 and has been waiting ever since.

    © Poole Harbour Osprey Project

  • She's back on the nest now but obviously not enjoying the wind.