Poole Harbour Ospreys and Relocation 2020

As this could to be a monumental year, with the possibility of the first breeding Ospreys in Poole for a very long time, and the chance of more relocated birds returning I thought we might as well start off a new thread.

Richard B

  • What wonderful news, and what a wonderful vid - one to be kept and passed on, thank you Mary!
    Blue CJ7 has been on and off the nest since her first arrival, bringing in sticks and nesting material. I believe her last sighting was 12.05 when she flew off having brought in another stick

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • What excitement !!!  Thank you for the super video, MARY!  I've done a first instalment, won't bother to post it here as you've covered it so beautifully :)

    Editing in a snap of CJ7 flinching under the attack of the... Corvid ???  When it flew off it sped like an arrow, not how I think of corvids flying.

  • Yes, scylla, she was under repeated quite vicious corvid attacks this morning. (Don't ask me whether it was a crow or a raven...)
  • Some interesting comments from BoPH on chat just now - Paul Moreton??

    13:37     birdsofpooleharbour  This nest platform is located at a secret site within Poole Harbour and isn't the Middlebere nest platform at Arne that many people are familiar with....  That platform can also be good for Osprey though too!

     1:38        birdsofpooleharbour  Hi Rob, the Middlebere platform is in a very publicly viewable area, so it's no issue talking about that particular nest.  There are several nesting platforms around the harbour, with many initially installed to try and attract migrating Ospreys to nest here.  We hope that eventually they will be in use

     14:07     birdsofpooleharbour           We have motion-sensitive cameras on the most popular nests, so that know which birds are visiting most frequently. This influenced our decision to put the livestream camera on this particular nest

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • It would have been Paul Morton (no 'e') or one of the other members of the BoPH osprey team.
  • Fabulous news--thanks, Alison! Now all we need is for a male Osprey, any male Osprey (though preferably LS7!), to join her. Seems likely that any male who joins her will almost certainly be one of the translocated-to-Poole-Harbour Ospreys. I imagine there will be champagne corks popping all over the Poole area (and the UK!) tonight. Hope everyone managed to stockpile a few bottles before the lockdown!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    Fabulous news--thanks, Alison! Now all we need is for a male Osprey, any male Osprey (though preferably LS7!), to join her. Seems likely that any male who joins her will almost certainly be one of the translocated-to-Poole-Harbour Ospreys. I imagine there will be champagne corks popping all over the Poole area (and the UK!) tonight. Hope everyone managed to stockpile a few bottles before the lockdown!

    No champagne here, but plenty of red!

  • Latest blog from Roy Dennis, mentions Poole Harbour

  • Red will do fine, Alison! Nice to have something to celebrate!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • We said "au revoir" to CJ7 @ 13:11, I'd done a video up to that point (maybe with an error in it?) and was hoping to have to add to it to finish off the day - but no, that was it:

    The treatment this cam gives to CJ7's feathers almost makes up for lack of sound, which was only brought home to me today - did the budget not stretch or is a microphone there but switched off, do we know?

    Anyway, here are some snaps, which I wonder if MARY's magic button might improve?