Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • ROSY - I have no objection to men wearing colourful clothes - but they should be co-ordinated and man don't seem to have that gene! Sorry your OH had to rest after yesterday's exertion - hope he'll be up to another trip out tomorrow. How nice for you to explore the veg plot for a change of scene. Thanks for the good wishes - had quite a good day today.
  • OG – Pain can wear you down. I do hope you can get some relief. {{{HUGS}}}}. As for toilet paper, our local factory is now running 24 hours, their warehouse is stacked high and supermarkets are imposing “max of 4 per purchase”.

    The Grand Design behind us progresses slowly as the workmen only come 1 or 2 days a week. The ”upstairs parent’s retreat” is now taking shape. There appears to be a large window facing our back yard. I hope they enjoy the view of my washing. Actually a north-facing window will be very hot in summer and they will probably need to add curtains, blinds or shutters.

    Other states have been getting massive amounts of rain. We have had hardly any. But it is much cooler, mid 20s.

  • OG, Hope you have a good night tonight, too. Pain is awful and as AQ says, can wear you down.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Annette: I loved seeing those high-res Mars photos. Extraordinary!!! You're right that the geology has a "familiar" look. Some archetypal appeal to the most primal part of us humans, I think. Thanks for posting the link. 

    Hi to everyone!

  • OG: I hope the pain is easing for you. Thinking of you tonight.

  • Good Morning, All. I hope OG is continuing to improve.

    Misty here but supposed to be bright, later, as was yesterday. Our large daffs are beginning to open. A busy day, I'm off to the hairdressers where I shall not have my usual girl, who has been off work for months with a bad chest. The other girl does a reasonable cut but it's not the same, and loses its shape after a week or two :-(
  • AQ - by the sound of it they will indeed need to screen the large window. I was listening to a very interesting guy on BBC World Radio, a couple of nights ago. He does the Auslan sign language on TV news and was highlighting how important it was recently, during the wildfires. I did a bit of Googling about Auslan - found it really interesting.

    OG - I do hope that you had a better night again. Good that you enjoyed your trip out and the lunch -
    LINDY - still no flowers here, only snowdrops and a solitary crocus. Most of them went when the front garden was dug up....

    We had a good lunch yesterday in the local Tapas restaurant. Thirteen small tapas dishes between five of us, very tasty! Now must do some housework before the party tomorrow.
  • Good morning. Cool and dry but rather cloudy so far - atmosphere definitely feels as if there is some weather coming!

    AQ - good to see paper wrappers on down-under toilet rolls - we still have plastic wrapping on them here! As you say, that big window behind you will surely need blinds against the full sun. Glad you are getting cooler temperatures, but sorry about the lack of rain, especially when there is far too much further east!

    ANN and DIANE - thanks for the thoughts - will be glad to see my orthopaedic man later this month.

    LINDA - lots of buds appearing on various shrubs now - mostly in the front garden which has sun all day. Timing of some blooms is weird - don't usually have the Daffodils before the Crocus! Sorry your usual hairdresser is still off sick - for her sake as well as her customers - that has gone on a long time. Little Wood Mouse hadn't appeared for a while, but was running around happily in the sunshine yesterday afternoon, despite several altercations with a very inquisitive Starling.

    HEATHER - whose birthday is it this weekend - I just can't remember?  I'm pleased you enjoyed your tapas lunch yesterday - I envy you that restaurant!  I'm trying to think where to go for OH birthday lunch mid-month - it will be the day after the event so that J can come too on his day off.

    J is in bed with migraine this morning - first for a very long time.

  • OG - it was youngest daughter's 40th yesterday, so celebrating tomorrow. Just family.
  • OG - it was youngest daughter's 40th yesterday, so celebrating tomorrow. Just family.