WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, February 23, 2020

Happy New Week all.  

Back from busy day; friend's 'celebration' of her husband's life was lovely  - she's a whizz with cameras, videos, etc, etc., and compiled a lovely video program that captured his life, interests, family, etc..   Lots of people turned out for a much-loved person.   Two other friends and I were in charge of the lunch for the family after a memorial rock (from the part of the Sierras where he hiked every year for 70 straight years!!) was placed in the church's garden.  The church group took over the post-service reception food.  I'm not only tired but stuffed to the gills!

Lindybird:  Interesting that our camellias are out tool love the daffs though - that's Springtime!

Hope all who have/are getting colds, etc., recover quickly.

Have a good Sunday!

  • Annette: Golden Syrup is an entirely different product. Its made from refined sugar, and is called refined sugar syrup.

    Have put away a whole two shelves of commemorative mugs and celebratory ones, all to do with royalty - even had the ones celebrating the wedding of Charles & Di, and the Ruby Wedding Anniversary of the Queen, plus of course several to do with her Coronation in 1953, when I was only 4 and a half. I had owned a few, then added to them over the years when I saw them for sale in charity shops and on sale tables. What I'm going to do with the boxful now, I don't know, but at least I can now use the two shelves in the hallway for display of some of my other china and ornaments. These got moved when we had the new furniture installed and there wasn't room for everything I had had in a glass fronted cabinet before.
  • Enjoyed learning more about Maple Syrup production - I love it , but usually on Scotch Pancakes (the little thicker ones) with yoghourt and blueberries - a regular breakfast for us, also sometimes with pancakes and bacon!

    ANNETTE - here in the UK Golden Syrup is a much refined sugar syrup - presumably derived from Black Treacle or even molasses.

    LINDA - I hope your holiday can go ahead, but take care as you could be extra vulnerable after your series of colds and sore throats.

    A nice day here - no precipitation, slight frost to start, cold but lovely blue sky and sunshine. Snow in the forecast, but I don't think it will come right up the Solway. OH was out for a "Carers' lunch" today. J enjoyed his Wednesday off work - he went to the gym this morning then spent the afternoon making various catch up phone calls. I pottered around the house tweaking and tidying.
  • Annette, Diane- We have the Indian Creek Nature Center just a couple of miles away and in about three weeks they will have 2 days of Maple Syruping with live demonstrations of tree tapping and syrup making with a breakfast of pancakes, sausages and, of course, maple syrup. Great fun and good food. I LOVE fresh maple syrup!
  • bjane - You will be an expert having had such thorough tuition from Diane! Hope you will be going to the demonstrations and sampling some of the produce?
  • How many of us are "dropping in" to visit BJANE and her maple syrup celebration?

    All is quiet on the "Grand Design" behind us. The workmen only appear to work one day a week. Frustrating for OH who cannot imagine what it will be finally!

  • AQ - A house two streets away from us was sold last year. No action for ages, then there was a small flurry of a new front door, and two trees removed. Then nothing. Then a new roof went on. Then nothing. Then.... we saw the builders van in the driveway - he had bought it and was doing it up a bit at a time. He began living in it eventually. It's still not finished, but good luck to him! (I feel sorry for his wife, though, as I don't know what it's like inside!)
  • My OH was an accountant so he knows how to handle money better than I do although I'm not too bad - get a monthly allowance from him plus my pension so have to manage Housekeeping and anything else for self as long as I don't overstep the mark and go into a fixed overdraft amount I have then all goes well.
    HeatherB - both sons sound as though they have exacting jobs out in the fresh air both bobbing about in the sea, yes you stay warm and dry.

    We are so fortunate down here in Northants, at least where we are as we are in an area of undulating ground which means any flooding goes on in the dips and away from the residential areas. Do feel for all those affected but a stirling job is being done by the emergency services. We have had a weather alert for the possibility of snow but I think it will be few and far between.
  • Afraid I got mixed up with dates and did my pancakes last Tuesday, however, popped them in the freezer and brought them out for yesterday. They were fine and we tend to stick to lemon or orange and sugar, yum.

    Annette - if with maple syrup then a big dollop of thick double cream not butter unless that is cream to you.
  • What is going on with this site. Posted two posts perfectly ok but third one would'nt post, kept saying no Weekly Chat etc and then I found out I had to sign in again, frustrating to say the least.

    Lindybird - love your poem on pancakes. Do hope you manage to get away.
  • I am ready for bin collection tomorrow. One is half filled with rubbish rubbish. I shall save the recycling for tomorrow morn as there is cardboard & stacks of loose paper that I don’t want available for any fire bugs overnight. The garage does not look any clearer, maybe because I cannot face OH’s boxes. He has been feeling a little dizzy last few days. Could be weather, not eating best diet, not enough sleep at night, too much sleep in day, medication needing upgrade . . . or has he been skipping pills? A two-year-old is easier LOL.