• Thanks, Mike, Patily, Karen and anyone I've missed for continuing to contact LRWT to ask for more information for us. I hope we will soon be able to view the missing blogs. My fear was that they had simply been ditched.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Latest Blog - One Week In

    S1(15) - no further news.  As of last Monday, flying over Senegal

    No ID as yet of the breeding female who returned Friday 13 March.

  • Beat me by one minute Karen! Frustrating or what!!!!!!!!!!
  • I agree completely, Mike!!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Rutland have just posted a short video by Chris Woods of Blue 056(19) on their Facebook Page

  • To note, L&RWT has now archived the old ROP web site, and blogs are accessible  herebut you need to know what you are looking for, and when.  All the links on the old Forum posts don't work either.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • In reply to SheilaFE:

    SheilaFE said:

    To note, L&RWT has now archived the old ROP web site, and blogs are accessible here, but you need to know what you are looking for, and when.  All the links on the old Forum posts don't work either.

    Thanks Sheila but I suspect they have not finished the work yet!!   

    If you remove the text that comes after old.osprey.org.uk/ you will see the homepage and index  ie use 


    But as I said they appear still to be working on it.   I am hoping somehow they can remove the old and all will be just so so!

    Patience :)

  • Latest news - Lyndon Visitor Centre closed.   

    Hides remain open for people to use and updates will continue to be posted on social media.

  • More news - events and volunteer activities cancelled

    It is all so disappointing but unavoidable and fully understandable.  

  • UPDATE FROM MIKE re current situation of the Rutland Osprey Blogs which I have copied over from Manton Bay thread   

    Mike B said:

    Gardenbirder said:

    Tiger, That is the best news I've had in a long time (apart from the arrival of this Rutland pair!) When I learned there was suddenly no access to the Rutland blogs from 2007 to 2019, I felt like someone had abducted one of my nearest and dearest and I feared I would never see them again.

    TO BE CLEAR: This is LRWT's position in regard to the 'Old' site and Blogs.

    Harriet Hickin 

    Tue, Mar 17, 12:43 PM (18 hours ago)

    to Tim, me 

    Hi Mike

    I hope this finds you well?

    All old osprey blogs can now be viewed here https://old.ospreys.org.uk/

    Please note this site is for archived blogs only and is a temporary solution for this year’s osprey season. We aim to shut this site down completely by the end of 2020 and so will be looking at a way of housing the blogs, potentially creating a printed document with all the information in. Therefore, I would suggest you copy and save anything that you feel is important to you.

    Any new updates, new blogs, webcam access, events etc. will all be available through our new website at www.lrwt.org.uk

    Best wishes


    12 months ago, when the new website was muted I spoke to the then CEO pointing out the need to retain the detail.

    Earlier this year I contacted the new CEO and Harriet. Other members of this site did so as well.

    I am waiting to speak to Harriet again following her response above.