• Meanwhile I see they have updated the osprey section within the new site advising the osprey webcam will be coming soon together with a video of Maya feeding her fabulous four last season and a link to their you tube channel where we can view some other clips.

    I wonder if there has been any updates on the tagged ospreys - 30(05), S1(15), and 4K(13)?  I have not seen anything since last September!    Hopefully we will learn when 30(05), or any of the young males, makes a move.

  • Thank you Karen. I spoke to Ms Hickin this morning and it is still work in progress. However the question of retaining, and paying for, the 'old' domain seems to be the major issue.
  • So there is a question of selling the old domain.

    I also pointed out that people did donate money for the search for 9(98). So that blog does belong to the public and should be kept available to the public.
  • Are people aware of the brilliant news that last year's Manton Bay chick 056 has been seen in The Gambia by Dembo Jatta?

    Dembo's Facebook post

  • Thanks Alison for the wonderful news!

    Unfortunately I cannot access Dembo's post. Unsure if this is down to the link or perhaps the post is within a closed group?

  • Hi Karen. I’m a Facebook numpty so I’m not sure! I thought it was a public post but maybe not. Anyway, 056 has been seen and photographed twice in the last few weeks near Kartong.
  • Unknown said:

    Are people aware of the brilliant news that last year's Manton Bay chick 056 has been seen in The Gambia by Dembo Jatta?

    Dembo's Facebook post


    I wasn't, ALISON, no surprise to anyone ;)  I am registered with Facebook but the link is defunct, "may have moved/expired" kinda notice.

    Dear 056!  I can't resist posting a video showing his/her (can't remember !!! ) fitness despite that worrying injury:


    I repeat thanks to all who have contacted ROP about this inexcusable situation.


  • "I repeat thanks to all who have contacted ROP about this inexcusable situation."

    MC. To be clear it is the Leicester and Rutland Wildlife Trust who are making the changes. The Osprey project was a part of their organisation BUT with its own website. It is this site that the LRWT have shut down in order to have just one new site. Currently the data from the old site is not available and that is what the fight is all about.
  • scylla said:

    Alison Copland said:

    Are people aware of the brilliant news that last year's Manton Bay chick 056 has been seen in The Gambia by Dembo Jatta?

    Dembo's Facebook post


    I wasn't, ALISON, no surprise to anyone ;)  I am registered with Facebook but the link is defunct, "may have moved/expired" kinda notice.

    Dear 056!  I can't resist posting a video showing his/her (can't remember !!! ) fitness despite that worrying injury:



    Blue 056(19) is a male!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Latest from LRWT (contents copied from newsletter via email)

    Introducing our new team members

    Hello Everyone, 

    As you know we have recently been appointing new members of staff to join our team at LRWT. I have now started in the volunteer coordinator post and we have some lovely other members of staff joining the team at the Lyndon centre. 

    Laura Brady will be starting on the 2nd March as Visitor Centre and Events Coordinator at Lyndon. Laura has been working with Wicksteed Park and has previously worked for the trust at the Leicester office, you may have seen her at Birdfair too. 

    Abi Mustard is now in post as our Osprey Information Officer for the coming season. Many of you will already know her as she has been a dedicated volunteer for seven years and completed our traineeship in 2019. 

    Libby Smith who has been filling in as interim volunteer coordinator is moving across to Lyndon as our Visitor centre and events assistant. So I'm sure you'll be glad to see her smiling face around the reserve. 

    We're really looking forward to welcoming them to the team and I'm sure you are too. 

    Should you need to contact any of us, please use the following email addresses:

    Laura - lbrady@lrwt.org.uk 

    Abi - amustard@lrwt.org.uk 

    Libby - lsmith@lrwt.org.uk 

    The volunteering email will still be running but should you need to contact me directly please use; awoolford@lrwt.org.uk 

    If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

    Many thanks, 
