Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 February 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Almost spring...sort of. Today is Imbolc, the ancient traditional holiday marking the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. I'm ready for a little sunshine. This has been the most dark, dreich winter ever. 

Yellow French Marigold
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Just woke up in front of this page, so I assume I was about to say something! J has walked to work today because the weather is so dry - he already has much more energy from the increased dose of Thyroxin - unfortunate that they took a month to send the letter - dictated 18 December, typed 22 January! Cleaner just arrived, OH seems to be having a filing day - maybe he'll also help with mine!

    PAT - glad you enjoyed your time with Charlie - sounds a lovely wee boy.

    HEATHER - I hope you are feeling better today.

    LINDA - good to find things on special offer - especially when they were things you actually wanted! Very slight frost here today - but no sunshine yet. After three dry days, I was hoping OH would be able to sweep the deck, which has been waiting since September!

    HARELADY - lots of sadness around the world this week with accidents, weather incidents etc - and some silly political stories too.

    AQ - sorry the vegetables suffered on the hottest day, especially Tomatoes which would have been so useful in the freezer. Sorry about missing photos - if he did take any! Good that this has inspired you to declutter the garage - whenever!

    I am "thinking" I might empty a cupboard in the dining room. I swapped a large set of bookshelves for a half-height cupboard which belonged to J, to store my card-making paraphernalia tidily in storage boxes, but am losing interest and thinking I might give up - so much stuff to sort though for little satisfaction. I am sure I can fill the cupboard with other things! Will let the idea "soak" in my brain a bit longer.
  • OG: Good that J has more energy. Hope things keep improving for him. I have acres and acres of card making stuff but hardly ever actually make any these days - its amazing how much you accumulate once you start on crafts like that, I could always convince myself that I needed more papers, or stick on flowers, etc! A lot of it has overflowed into all the bedrooms, even though I bought boxes to keep it clean and tidy in....... argh.

    Heather, you're not on here yet but I hope you're feeling better now.

    Harelady:  Sorry you seem to be depressed by all the dramas on the News.  I try to read it, but then forget about it, as it would just be too awful to think about all the bad things.

    AQ: The heat must play havoc with all the plants, even those supposed to like warmth. Sorry you've lost stuff. Once we begin to sort out things, it often becomes a huge task. Perhaps you're doing the best thing and just doing a bit at a time. Have you told your dau yet that you've yet to find them? I'm still sorting through drawers and have been amazed to see how much junk I've kept. I threw away a lot of stuff dated 1992 yesterday! But its been nice to come across the odd letter from a relative now no longer with us, and have the memories of years ago.

    Bright sunshine here now. The birds are cheeping away madly, they must be confused. I made sure I put out plenty of nutritious stuff to see them through the next colder days.

  • LINDA - what to do with card-making stuff if I do give up? There's probably quite a bit of "investment" among it! I suppose materials could be useful to Girls' Brigade - but there are also tools of various kinds. Maybe local craft shop could use them or sell second-hand - it's not that I would want cash, but don't like to waste them. Will go on thinking.

    Just did some filing - got rid of some stuff which was in the "to be filed" tray as it was already superceded!
  • Hello all
    Thanks for your news. I am feeling better - back to what passes for normal!
    Busy, though - youngest family are on their way, half term holidays. I'm a bit behind with housework, so ....
  • Morning all: I'm avoiding all news right now. Had quiet day yesterday but no yoga as teacher felt under the weather so spent that time on phone catching up with my two oldest friends. Back to normal today.
  • Pleased to hear that you've had a quiet day and not even any yoga, Annette! Perhaps you'd better just do a few stretches at home, though, in case. Nice to catch up with friends.

    I've been out to the cinema again! Some decent releases, lately. Sue and I saw "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" with Tom Hanks. Not a film to be compared with any other, I'd say! Its about a much loved TV presenter in the USA, and a series of encounters with him by a hard bitten journalist. Can't really say much else, you'd have to see it really! We enjoyed it but its not one to see more than one time.
  • Nearly forgot - glad you're back to normal, Heather, and perhaps now ready for your invasion.
  • Lindybird:  Some people here really liked the Lovely Day...."movie about Mr. Rogers, much-loved presenter of a kids' program. We never watched it when my daughter was young.  A bit saccharine for me.  I did watch Stan & Ollie the other evening (really liked that) and also Once Upon a Time in America (Quentin Tarantino's latest), which included some characters from Charles Manson's gang but with a different and much 'better' (a la Tarantino!) ending. Got them from the library.  I think we're off to see 1917 in the next few days...

  • HEATHER - pleased to see you were feeling better - hope you are enjoying the younger family.

    ANNETTE - good that you had a relaxing day. Not surprised that you are avoiding news!

    LINDA - sounds a pleasant film - nothing demanding.

    OH did sweep the deck today - will have to get around to treating it as early as possible in spring.
  • OG & Annette: Yes, it was undemanding. As we left the cinema, I said "Well, there were no car chases, and no explosions, and no one got shot!" I did wonder if it might be more enjoyed in the USA where the real character had been part of a lot of people's childhoods. But it was interesting, and well played by T. Hanks.