Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 January 2020

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon! 

The Full Wolf Moon occurs on 10 January (Friday). 

Be sure to check back to last week's thread where Lindy posted some adorable grandchildren pics!!!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Big reports on the Golden Globes awards last night, as several of the Brits nominated won awards, but I was mostly interested in Renee Zellweger gaining Best Actress for her portrayal as Judy Garland, which I thought was a super film.

  • My heart goes out to everyone and everything that inhabits Australia... we had the largest fire in the UK on the moors behind us last year and find it hard to imagine the vastness of what’s going on. OH has a friend who was given notice to leave she has bull terriers and life stock . The dogs she could take but not the cattle. Luckily things took a turn for the better and she is still in her home.
    Daughter came up after getting over some sort of lurgee sadly it returned so lots of TLC but back home today:-(
    Diane flagged up a new moon when she kicked started the week so I think she will like my sighting last night. Went out for fresh air to see the moon completed circled in coloured light. Came in to get phone to be told by OH it was a “Moonbow”. He googled it about 3 years ago when he saw one. Only lasted 10 mins or so but felt well chuffed. The different colours looked like the old fashioned gobstopper that changed colour with each layer.
  • Just read all the posts - too many for individual answers today!

    J went back to work (training day) and will be home later as he has a dentist check-up. I went for blood tests - can wait four weeks this time. Got rather wet - not a nice day, although have seen some late afternoon sunshine. Baked a cake this morning - OH said there are too many empty boxes in the cupboard so we should make and freeze some cakes - would be simpler to store the empty boxes in the freezer!
  • Wendyb:  Have never heard of a Moonbow, so Googled info and photos.  Lucky you. What serendipity!

    Truly back to normal today.  Schools back open, etc...

  • Lindybird said:

    Big reports on the Golden Globes awards last night, as several of the Brits nominated won awards, but I was mostly interested in Renee Zellweger gaining Best Actress for her portrayal as Judy Garland, which I thought was a super film.

    Lindy: Did you see Ricky Gervais on the Golden Globes?!!! D A N G! He redefined controversial. If you didn't see him, you can Google it. I can't even put a link to it on this thread. Phew...

  • Wendyb: Lucky, lucky you for seeing the Moonbow. I've seen photos of them. They are breathtaking! Good on you for being at the right place at the right time.

  • Annette: We awoke to seeing & hearing clips from the speeches last night, including Ricky Gervaise - not a man I've ever admired ........

    Wendy, how lucky to see a rare sight like that!

    Was pleased to finish tidying up, and have produced two bags full of things which can go to the charity shop. Felt really tired today, though, and my OH is still not 100% so we will await tomorrow to see if we are ailing. Youngest rang mid morning to say that their problems were, at last, fixed, and he is going to try to get a new hall carpet by way of compensation for the huge delays in sorting them out.

    We will be having a workman in tomorrow ourselves, but that's a story for another day. Goodnight and I hope that AQ is still feeling cooler.
  • Evening all:

    Diane: I'm currently tuned in to the Space X Starlink launch, etc.  Nice that they got the Stage 1 lander back smoothly.

    Lindybird:  I don't mind some of Ricky Gervaise's stuff, but last night I was really turned off by the frequent swearing (which was beeped out) and his Trump-like disdain for his audience, some of whom are serious grown ups who try to make good, entertaining and maybe consequential movies.  The camera caught Jonathan Pryce several times as he went from polite smile at the beginning of the proceedings to no expression at all as the show went on (but you could tell what he was thinking).  I especially disliked Gervaise's 'joke' (which you may have missed) about his limo's licence plate, which must have been so humiliating for Felicity Huffman's daughter, who had no part in her mother's attempt to circumvent the kid's college entrance process.  It all seemed gratuitously rude. And we get enough of that with Trump.

    Have a good Tuesday all.

  • Good Morning. Went to bed tired, and my OH let me sleep in this morning. Still not sure what I might have caught, but it may just be a head cold as my ears are bunged up. He's gone off to golf, so must be surviving!

    Annette, looking back I can see I mentioned Ricky Gervaise when it should have been Diane I was addressing. Sorry, I was tired, as I said. Yes, Gervaise is rude and crass: I find it sad and a step down that it's now seen as a joke to be so disrespectful to your fellow man - a measure of the new attitudes in public life. Didn't hear the number plate "joke".
  • Golden Globes- Baftas - Oscars - all just pass by my head - not even through it and out the other side as some inconsequential stuff does!

    LINDA - I hope you will soon feel better - or find out what is making you feel so unwell.

    J carried on with training at home yesterday evening, and will leave work early today to visit the optician. Dentist says he needs a small filling - no appt till June, by which time I assume it will be a big filling! My hip is beginning to trouble me again - but isn't continuous and the injection was three months ago, so I think it has done well.

    I shan't go to Asda this afternoon as it is a very wild day here, but OH says he is okay going. I believe it is even more stormy further north so I hope everyone is safe.