Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 December 2019


Photo: Aurora Borealis
U.S. Geological Survey: Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Lindybird: Very sweet and you speak for us all I think. Thank you.

    Very, very best for 2020 to everyone on this thread - lurkers included. I'm lifting my glass to a kinder time ahead for the world........
  • Good Morning. A few dry days ahead, thank goodness.

    Banged out the poetry with wine glass in hand, in ten minutes of reflection about our year, so it's rather a rough draft, really.

    I hope the year brings more harmony through the world, and that those of us who would pull together, can override the hate and division. As Annette says, Kindness, a powerful thing, will never go 'out of fashion' I hope.
  • Greetings at the beginning of the twenties - I wonder whether they will be distinctive in any way?

    Didn't stay up. OH said he thought he heard one solitary firework bang - all I heard was him as he was really snuffly with the cold which seems to have made a full return.
  • Morning all: A few isolated pops and bangs from various directions last night but nothing that kept me awake. This morning, however, was enjoying book and first cup of coffee in bed when heard a heavy vehicle roar up the road followed by three police cars with lights/sirens and a moment later an ambulance. (They send out both fire and ambulances here coz all fire trucks have to have a paramedic on board so they get called out for medical emergencies as well as fires.) Anyway, not an auspicious start to the New Year for somebody I fear..... Am waiting to see if something will show up on the local news or the neighborhood web site. Grandson due here later this morning with Xmas gifts from the Arizona contingent.
  • I just read that in the Chinese Calendar, 2020 is the Year of the Rat...... I thought that was 2019 (also 2018). :-)
  • Happy New Decade to you all..,
    Quiet Christmas but lovely NY as youngest up for 8 days..
    Both dogs have enjoyed her company and luckily some dry sunny frosty walks..
    Keep posting as I read every day but sadly will always lurk xx
  • I have been unable to access this site all day. Seeing others have been able to, I suspect my connection, which indeed has been poor today.
    Anyway, I am wishing you all a Good New Year - may we stay together as a group and continue to enjoy our online chats xx
  • Thanks, Everyone, for the new year good wishes and I wish the same for all of you, good health, happiness and lots of birds and other wildlife for posters and lurkers all.
    Heather, I read on another thread that this forum has been very sluggish and slow earlier today but it seems to have recovered so perhaps it is not your connection.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • HEATHER – It was not you but the site having a glitch. I could not get back here all afternoon & evening.

    My momentous news was that I made a dozen pasties and 3 disappeared for tea. This morn before it gets too hot, I am off to library to pick up book that I requested a month ago before it was even processed. Miss8’s request, a brand-new book about ꭓmas that was only available at my local library. It has now arrived, better late than never? I suspect it went home with a staff member first. New books are “quarantined” to “home” library for 3 months, so if Dau requested it from her library, she would wait 3 months, even if it was sitting unread on shelf down here.

  • I was unable to access this site all day until now. Was hoping it was not just me. Apparently not.

    I liked the poem Lindy. Surprising what inspiration a glass of wine can give! Long live this group.

    We heard a lot of bangs last night, just as I turned off the light, The noise continued for half an hour until 12.30.
    I could see flashes of light through the blinds, but when I got up to look, I could not see anything. We are surrounded by several buildings, so I have no idea where the fireworks were.